Natural Cures for GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Syndrom)

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

First and foremost in this is changing the eating habits.
One should avoid heavy eating. Heavy is in the sense, one has to eat in a limit. Over eating will make food to come back.
Stop having spicy and sour tasted food. This kind of food is number one for triggering the disease. Sour and spicy foods are considered to be one of the most dangerous items which will worsen the case up to maximum extent.
Try to end your meals with eating some small sweet. Beware of doing so, if you are diabetic or heart patient.
Don’t sleep immediately after meals. Have a gap of at least two to three hours between your meal time and going to bed.
While sleeping, sleep on the right side so that there are less chances of getting stomach contents back into your esophagus. This is one of the simple home remedies for gerd.
Antacids play some role in this disease. It gives relief for sure.
Improve your digestion. Eat at regular interval and with perfect timings. Be regular in taking the food.
Junk food plays bad role in this disease.
Oily food and food with fermentation (like bread, pizzas) etc. worsen the case of GERD.
One should also restrict carbonated water. This will play role of triggering factor in the disease.
Cola, coffee, tea etc are to be avoided. These stimulate the stomach and irritate the esophagus, which will worsen the case of GERD.
Smoking and alcohols are best to be avoided. These two are considered to be irritating to the body especially when you are suffering from disease like GERD.
Try to give up the food containing preservatives. Preservatives are irritable to the esophagus and stomach producing the backflow of the stomach content into the mouth.
Try to restrict citrus food like lemon, oranges, lime etc. These are harmful in GERD.
Milk product like processed cheese, paneer and super concentrated milk may also produce bad symptoms in the GERD.
Try to elevate your head during the sleeping. Take a small pillow and put it under the head. The elevation will prevent the stomach contain coming into the esophagus and finally into the mouth. This is one of the good home remedies for gerd.
One can include banana with milk at bed time. This has proven benefits on the disease GERD.
Certain Ayurvedic herbs like Shatavari, Aamlaki, Guduchi Satva is considered to be very good for treating GERD.
Some Ayurvedic formulas like Avipattikar Churna, Hingwashtaka Churna are said to be good for treating GERD.
Avoid eating salads especially green leafy vegetables at night. No wonder these will come back to your mouth while sleeping.
Spinach, coriander leaves, radish, potatoes etc are triggering factors for having GERD.
Tomatoes are best to be restricted.
Drink more water. Water dilutes the stomach contains especially the acid secretion. This will help in relieving the symptoms of GERD.
Go for the baked or boiled items, other than having a choice of fried items. This will help in relieving symptoms of the disease.
One can go for the egg white but not the egg yolk. Egg yolks are supposed to trigger GERD. This is one of the good home remedies for gerd.
Give up your non-vegetarian diet for sometime till you are okay and not suffering from GERD anymore.
One has to give up pickles. They are the worst in case of GERD.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Syndrom)’]