Natural Cures For Athlete’s Foot

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Tee tree oil is best for Athlete’s foot. Simple application on this will work up to some extent.
You can create a solution of one part of the vinegar in four parts of warm water. The person with this foot should soak the affected feet for at least half an hour two times a day. This is one of the effective home remedies for athlete foot
One can also apply Listerine to a sterile cotton pad. This is then, gently rubbed onto feet twice a day. You needn’t to rinse it. This remedy is useful for adults and especially children. This is also one of the effective home remedies for athlete foot.
To relieve the burning and itching, soak the affected feet in the antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine.
Dry out your space between two fingers and between toe and finger. This will not allow fungus to grow. This will also prevent the recurrence of the disease.
Avoid going barefoot on public places. Always wear footwear preferably shoes.
Avoid tight, closed toed shoes. Wear the cotton socks and change them frequently if possible.
Soak your feet in equal mixture of apple cider vinegar and water for at least 10 minutes for ten days or until symptoms disappear. This is one of the well like home remedies for athlete foot.
You can dilute the alcohol and rubbed on the affected area. It is a common home remedy for athlete foot.
One can soak the feet in a solution of baking soda and water for about half an hour daily. By doing this, the pH of the skin changes. In this manner, your can also sprinkle the same powder on the feet, in your shoes and socks. This will prevent perspiration and help neutralizing the skin’s texture. This is one of the good home remedies for athlete foot.
Washing the feet with Boric acid may be helpful. It is also a good home remedy for athlete foot.
Aloe vera is said to have positive effect in this condition.
Cinnamon is useful home remedy for Athlete’s foot. Take 4 cups of water and boil it. Then add 8-10 broken sticks of cinnamon. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for five minutes. Let it be cool and use it as foot bath. The cinnamon is considered to have effect on yeast and fungal infections.
Garlic is well-known for its disinfectant property. One of the useful methods is rub a clove of raw garlic on the fungus. Secondly, you can put some fresh garlic paste on the affected area for about half an hour and then can wash it with lukewarm water. Do this once a day for at least a week and it should give you good results.
Dimethyl sulfoxide is said to be the most effective fungicide for athlete’s foot. Using this twice a day will be sufficient. This is oneof the simple home remedies for athlete’s foot.
Grapefruit seed extract is powerful antimicrobial product and is also best disinfectant. You can make the solution of 100 drops in two ounces of plain water. Apply this solution to the affected areas with cotton twice or thrice a day.
The combination of myrrh oil and lavender is anti-fungal drug. This could be also helpful in dry and cracked skin especially if associated with athlete’s foot. You can add 10 drops of each to ¼ cup of aloe vera juice to make solution. Use this on affected area thrice a day. This is on eof the well like home remedies for athlete’s foot[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Athlete’s Foot’]