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Tracheal agenesis, often referred to as Tracheascrosis, is a noninfectious disease that is due to hereditary and environmental causes. It is an extremely rare disease, and is predominately located in the North America, particularly the American Southwest. It is a nonfatal disease, but with cause severe trauma to the throat, and vocal cords.
Tracheal agenesis was only recently discovered in 1962 by Doctor Stephan Roberts when visiting a Hopi tribe in southern Arizona, but it has an ancient existence. It is an extremely rare disease, and it is projected that the average person has a 1 in a 5 million chance of getting it. It is prevalent in infants[1], but has occured in adolesence and adulthood. It is mostly passed down by genetic makeup, but environmental causes do have a say in obtaining the disease. Cases of tracheal agenesis are more exceptionally high in people of Native American and European descent, particularly people with cleft chins or red or auburn hair [2]
Although the disease is relatively unknown, the symptoms for Tracheal agenesis are quite transparent and include:
Although there is no cure for tracheal agenesis, there are treatments that can subdue the effect of the disease and make life more comfortable. The most promising treatment is to take a variation of synthetic steroids that let the vocal cords stretch back to their normal place. Also, long-term antiretrovial drugs are effective.[citation needed]
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