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Mal de debarquement (or Mal de débarquement) syndrome (MdDS, or disembarkment syndrome) is a rare condition usually occurring after a cruise, aircraft flight, or other sustained motion event. It has only recently received attention and very little real scientific research has been conducted. The phrase “mal de débarquement” is French for “disembarkation sickness”.
Symptoms most frequently reported include a persistent sensation of motion usually described as rocking, swaying, or bobbing; difficulty maintaining balance; extreme fatigue; and difficulty concentrating (“brain fog”). Other common symptoms include dizziness, headaches and/or migraine headaches, confusion, and anxiety. Many patients also describe ear symptoms such as hyperacusis, tinnitus, “fullness”, pain, or even decreased hearing. Cognitive impairment (“brain fog”) includes an inability to recall words, short term memory loss, and an inability to multi-task.
Interestingly, the condition often abates when the patient is in motion such as in a car, train, plane, or boat. Symptoms are increased by stress, crowds, flickering lights, loud sounds, fast or sudden movements, enclosed areas or busy patterns.
In MdDS, the symptoms persist for more than one month, and possibly many years. This differs from the very common condition of “land sickness” that most people feel for a short time after a motion event such as a boat cruise, airplane ride, or even a treadmill routine.
MdDS happens when the gravity receptors in the inner ear canal fail to return to normal state after adjusting slightly due to a change in gravity. Since the receptors stay adjusted, the patient will feel as if the ground is moving or as described above, a rocking motion even if standing still.
The condition is felt to be under-reported in the medical literature, where fewer than 100 cases have been studied. A series of 27 cases reported in 1999 (Hain et al. 1999) noted all but one patient to be female. The average age in this series was 49 years.
These trends have recently been confirmed by the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation ( in a study of over 100 individuals diagnosed with MdDS. The female:male ratio was approximately 9:1; the average age of onset was 43-45 years.
The most commonly reported inciting event was a prolonged ocean cruise (~45%), however shorter boating excursions (~22%), airplane travel (~15%), and automobile travel (~8%) have all been described.
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