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Krause-van Schooneveld-Kivlin syndrome is a hereditary syndrome that mainly affects the eyes, growth and development of the individual. It is also known as Krause-Kivlin syndrome or Peters-plus syndrome [1].
Features of this syndrome include Peters anomaly, leukoma, central defect of Descemet’s membrane, and shallow anterior chamber with synechiae between the iris and cornea. It is associated with short limb dwarfism and delayed mental development.
Krause-van Schooneveld-Kivlin syndrome is listed as a “rare disease” by the Office of Rare Diseases (ORD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).[2] This means that Krause-van Schooneveld-Kivlin syndrome, or a subtype of Krause-van Schooneveld-Kivlin syndrome, affects less than 200,000 people in the United States.[3]
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