Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
One of the good home remedies for varicose veins is an application of Vitamin E oil or comfrey, white oak bark or witch hazel tea. You can apply any one of this on the affected area.
Do not wear skintight pants or bottom wears. This may give pressure to the circulatory system and can create varicose veins.
Be sure to maintain a clean and healthy colon. Never remain constipated. This will minimize the appearance of varicose veins.
Another one of the good home remedies for varicose veins is applying some apple cider vinegar on skin and around the varicose vein affected area. This is to be done twice a day.
You can also take bayberry, taheebo and white oak bark for healing and prevention of varicose veins.
Raw vegetable juices especially carrot juice and spinach juice is proven home remedy for treating varicose veins. You can have 300 ml of carrot and 200 ml of spinach juice at a time.
Vitamin E and Vitamin C have also been found as favorable home remedies for varicose veins. Consult your physician before taking these supplements in proper dosage.
Fresh vegetable juices and fresh fruit juices are beneficial natural cures for varicose veins.
The herb called marigold is very good home remedy for varicose veins. A compress of marigold can be applied externally around the affected area. the flowers of this herb can also be tied around the varicose veins. This is good home remedy, as it will reduce the swelling and pain.
Do not walk hard or run. Keep your legs slightly up when you sleep.
Lukewarm water enema neutralizes the toxins from the body and colon. This is also useful in treating various disease including varicose veins.
Varicose veins may turn into the surgical side. If home remedies and internal or external therapy does not work for long time, one should consult the surgeon for the same as if it is left untreated, it may end up in major complications.
An alternate hot and cold bath is valuable home remedy for varicose veins.
Some naturopaths suggest mudpack to be applied over the affected area. This works as good home remedy for treating varicose veins.
Another good home remedy for varicose veins for is hot Epsom salt bath. This may strengthen your veins and may make them straight.
Yoga postures are very effective as home remedy for varicose veins as revealed by latest researches.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Varicose Veins’]