Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Juice of cranberry is found to be an effective home remedy for urinary tract infection commonly known as UTI. It is not possible to have cranberry juice directly; one has to take it along with apple juice. It dissolves the bacteria responsible for UTI.
Have half teaspoon of tincture every hourly; this is very much effective in acute cases of UTI. However, in severe cases, take buchu, uva ursi, and pipsissewa and Echinacea tinctures in equal amount and blend it. Take twenty drops of this tincture at the interval of two hour; this should be for first two days. Then one should go for one teaspoon of tincture four times a day till u get complete recovery. This is one of the useful home remedies for urinary tract infection
Tea prepared from marshmallow root is also found to be good in treating UTI as it is a having powerful antiseptic effect.
Baking soda is one of the best and most easily available home remedy for urinary tract infection. Make a mixture by taking half teaspoon of baking soda and eight to nine ounce glasses of water.
Consumption of echnacea capsule and goldenseal or Oregon grape root is very good to increase your vitality and fight against infection. This is one of the best home remedies for urinary tract infection
Commonest way to treat urinary tract infection is to drink lot of fluids, as it is very much important to have free excretion of urine.
Aromatherapy also is considered as effective way to treat urinary tract infection. Take bergamot, frankincense, sandalwood, juniper and tea tree in equal amount. Prepare an essential oil from these materials and rub it on the area of urinary bladder. This treatment must be done for four to five days even after your symptoms have subsided. This is one of the effective home remedies for urinary tract infection
Some of the Ayurvedic herbs like varuna, patola, gokshura, punarnava etc have beneficial effect on urinary track infection. You either can go for single herb extract or can go for the formula containing those herbs. These are effective natural cures for urinary tract infection.
Drink plenty of water. Water flushes out the toxins and improves the kidney functions.
Try to avoid spicy, junk and very hot food. This may increase the burning sensation in urinary tract.
Try to avoid the food having sour taste.
Alcohol, non-vegetarian diet, smoking is to be avoided.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Urinary Tract Infection’]