Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
A sore throat (also known as pharyngitis or tonsillitis) is a disease primarily located in throat around the tonsils. You will find causes and home remedies of sore throat on this page.
You can use the following remedies if you have a mild sore throat associated with cold or flu or running nose symptoms.
Increase your liquid intake and make sure your house is humidified properly.
Gargle with warm salt water (¼ teaspoon salt to ½ cup water) several times a day. It is an effective home remedy for sore throat.
Drink a glass of hot water with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and some honey. You’ll feel better instantly. You can also drink a chamomile tea with lemon and honey added. It is also a good remedy for sore throat.
Cut a lemon into 2 pieces. Take one piece and put some salt and black pepper on it, press with a knife so that salt-pepper penetrate into the lime. Put the lemon on heat to make it warm. Slowly lick this lemon squeezing it until no juice remains. Do it 2-3 times a day.
Chives and scallions are helpful for a soar throat when simmered in water for 5 minutes. Drink as a tea. It is also very helpful in sore throat relief.
Figs, beets are beneficial in sore throat.
Natural Remedies For Sore Throat (Free Shipping)
Tulasi – Holy Basil SupplementsG-kof Cough SyrupG-kof Cough Capsules
Herbal Remedies: Tulasi (Holy basil): A herb that promotes optimum respiratory support. Tulasi has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant properties and is useful in respiratory tract infections. It helps during respiratory stress. The juice of the leaves possesses diaphoretic, antiperiodic, stimulating and expectorant properties. It is used in catarrh and bronchitis.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Sore Throat’]