Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Psoriasis is a stubborn disease. Home remedies may help as an aid to the main treatment but cannot be taken as first line treatment. Bitter gourd is considered to be one of the valuable in treating psoriasis. For this, take one cup fresh bitter gourd juice and add one tsp of limejuice. Take it sip by sip on an empty stomach on daily basis for about 4-6 months. This is one of the best home remedies for psoriasis.
Apply oil that is extracted freshly from cashew nut on the affected area of the skin. This serves as good home remedy for psoriasis.
Take some avocado oil and apply this to the area where you have psoriasis. This is also one of the good home remedies for psoriasis.
Another good home remedy for psoriasis is the usage of curd in the form of buttermilk. Buttermilk is to be poured on the affected area. You can also put some powdered herb into it to make it more powerful remedy.
Since the psoriasis is considered to be the metabolic disease, the carrots, cucumbers, grapes and beets would be better to take as these fruits are having cleansing properties for the body.
Seeds, nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables especially sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, organically grown raw vegetables are best and favorable natural cures for psoriasis.
All animal fats, including milk, butter, eggs and refined or processed foods are to be avoided. They are said to be triggering factors for psoriasis.
Foods containing hydrogenated fats or whit sugar and all condiments; tea and coffee are to be avoided.
Latest research says that Vitamin E therapy has been found as an effective home remedy for psoriasis. A daily dose of 200-800 IU is considered to be sufficient for helping psoriasis to heal.
Cabbage leaves may be used in the form of compresses. They are to be taken and applied over area after removing thick veins and washing them thoroughly.
Some of the Ayurvedic herbs like saariva, punarnava, aamlaki, manjishtha, haridra, nimba, patola etc are having some beneficial effects on psoriasis. They can either be taken as single herb extract or can be taken as combination in some formula. These are also good natural remedies for psoriasis.
In some part of India, Ayurvedic treatment called Panchakarma has been found as very beneficial for treating psoriasis. Along with the external treatment, the patient is given certain medications that pacify the aggravated bodily humor (doshas) and purify the blood.
One should strictly avoid junk food, oily food and spicy food.
Citrus foods or fruits are to be restricted as a food. Chilies, fermented items like bread, pizza and pickles are best to be avoided.
One should avoid alcohol; smoking and if possible non-vegetarian diet till the disease is cured fully. Red meat can be considered as trigger for psoriasis.
Add 2 drops of marigold oil and 1 drop of oregano oil in 1 small cup of olive oil. Massage into the area. This is one of the useful home remedies for psoriasis.
A person must be kept in good ventilation with proper sunlight in the room. Dense room and crowded place worsens the case of psoriasis.
Avoid contact to a person who is having any type of skin disease as most of them are contagious.
Mix 1 teaspoon each of wheat germ oil and castor oil into 1 eggcup of sunflower oil. Massage gently into the psoriasis affected area. This is one of the simple and popular home remedies for psoriasis.
Beware of taking incompatible diets. For instance radish with milk, fish with milk, jaggery with milk etc. Ayurveda believes that these ‘viruddha aahara’ (incompatible diet) is the root cause for skin diseases.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Psoriasis’]