Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
One of the best home remedies for premature graying of hairs is usage of curry leaves. Curry leaves are extremely useful in preventing the premature graying of hairs. They also give strength to hair roots. You can use these leaves either in the form of food or else you can put some curry leaves in coconut oil and boil them. Use this oil as an application over the scalp. This works up to major extent.
You can also take some pieces of ribbed gourd and dry them in sun. After that, soak in coconut oil and keep for at least 3-4 hr. boil the oil till the residue becomes black. Massage the scalp with this residual. It helps the restoring pigmentation of the hairs. This is one of the useful home remedies for premature graying of hairs
Amaranth is another good home remedy for premature graying of hairs. Take some fresh leaves of amaranth vegetable and extract the juice out of it. Apply this juice on the hair. This acts as an effective home remedy for retaining the black color of hair. It also helps in growing new hairs.
At least twice a week, go for massaging scalp with the butter made out of cow’s milk. This is one of the best home remedies for premature graying of hairs
Since years, Indian gooseberry is been used in treating premature graying of hairs. It is the foremost among all home remedies for these hairs. This is a valuable tonic for hairs that enriches hair growth and also brings the normal color of the hairs. For this, the fruit if Indian gooseberry is to be cut and dried in a shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like a dust or powdered. This oil is then used for local application. This is one of the popular home remedies for premature graying of hairs
Another good method to use Indian gooseberry is dried fruit pieces are to be soaked overnight and that water is to be used as local application. You can also make one good nourishing pack for hairs – take a tsp of Indian gooseberry’s juice mixed with tsp of almond oils and few drops of lime juice. Apply this every night on the scalp and is to be washed on next morning. This is to be continued for at least 15-20 days. This is one of the best home remedies for premature graying of hairs
Modern science favors vitamins in the treatment of premature graying hairs. Some of them are pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, inositol etc. All of these B group vitamins are to be taken on daily basis for better results.
One should avoid refined floor, refined sugar, soft drinks, pastries, jam ect are to be avoided.
Too spicy food, hot food, chilies and oily food is to be avoided.
One should also avoid chemical hair settler, hair creams and other cosmetics available for hairs. Instead, one should go for herbal product available in the market.
Certain Ayurvedic drugs like Bhrigaraja, Amla, Mehndi, Neembuka, Arithaa are proven for their nourishment property for hair and their roots. They can be taken internally as well as they can be applied over the scalp.
Fruit and fresh vegetable juice is very good for hair growth and to have natural color of the hairs. These juices are well known for restoring the hormones in the body and so they help in restoring body’s original structures.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Premature Graying of Hairs’]