Natural Cures for Mumps

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

One of the best home remedy for mumps is wetting a pinch of sodabicarb (NaHCO 3) along with few drops of water and this solution should be applied to the affected area i.e. face. Remove this within couple of minutes and apply this twice or thrice a day.

You can also apply a cloth soaked in mullein tea to the cheeks. This will help to combat with swelling or inflammation.

Asparagus’ seeds are one of the useful home remedies for mumps. These are to be taken with equal quantity of fenugreek seeds and should be grinded well to make a paste like form. This paste is to be applied on the cheeks i.e. affected area. This will help reducing the swelling.

Another good home remedy for mumps is margosa leaves. These leaves act as a good anti-inflammatory agent for mumps. For this, make powdered form of margosa leaves and mix it with turmeric to make a paste. This can be applied over the cheek and the area below the ears.

Try to avoid acidic drink and beverages. This may include carbonated water, lime juice, lemonade etc. These drinks stimulate the salivary glands to produce more saliva and hence, may give more trouble in the mumps.

Chebulic myroblan is one of the good home remedies for mumps. Make a thick paste from chebulic myroblan by rubbing it in water and apply this over the swellings..

Make a paste from powdered form of margosa leaves and turmeric. Apply this externally over the affected parts. This will help you to treat mumps quickly. This is one of the popular home remedies for mumps.

Simple the paste made out of ginger (fresh) and little water. Apply it over the swollen area. This will help reducing the mumps’ swelling and will make your cheeks in shape. This is one of the well liked home remedies or mumps.

The leaves of banyan tree are considered to be very good for treating mumps. These leaves are to be smeared with ghee (butter oil) and heated on the flame. Apply them on the affected area and bandage on it. Keep them for couple of hours and then, take them off. This will help reducing the swelling. This is one of the well liked home remedies for mumps.

Some of the Ayurvedic drugs like Guduchi, Amlaki, Haritaki, Rasna and Dashmoola (ten herbs mixed to form a powder) are good in treating the mumps.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Mumps’]