Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Gotu kola is one of the best home remedies for low immunity power. For this, one can go for any gotu kola preparation available in herbal store.
Ginseng is another powerful immunity booster. There are pills and capsules in which ginseng is as main ingredient. Go for these pills under medical supervision. This is one of the best home remedies for low immunity.
Some Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Guduchi, Gokshura, Aamlaki and Shilajit are considered as good immunity booster. You can either go for single herb or can get the combination of above drugs.
Milk is considered as immunity booster in Ayurveda. Take glassful of milk with little sugar at bedtime. This will improve your immunity and is also considered as one of the good home remedies for low immunity.
Latest research says that practicing Yoga and meditation regularly in a proper method will boost immunity without taking any internal medications.
Some non Ayurvedic herbs like Echinacea, usnea and poke roots are very powerful immunity builders. These herbs trigger the production of white blood cells, leukocytes and T-cells which play an important role in building immunity and fighting against the infections.
Proper sleep or rest also strengthens your immunity level. Take proper rest and sleep to restore your energy level and to make your body functioning well.
Breathing techniques like ‘Pranayama’ is now considered to be one of the excellent methods to restore your energy level and to boost up your immunity.
You can prepare your own immunity booster drink – take 2 cups of water along with one tsp of Echinacea root and ½ tsp of chamomile leaves. You can also add ½ tsp of peppermint leaves in that. Prepare a drink out of these ingredients and have it once in a day regularly. This brings your immunity level up. This is one of the best home remedies for low immunity.
Garlic and ginger are considered to be best for immunity boosting in Ayurveda. You can take cooked garlic and raw ginger or both of them as raw. Include them in your regular diet. This will improve your immunity level. One has to keep in mind that both of them will give trouble if a person is suffering from hyperacidity.
Spirulina is another good drug to increase the immunity power. This can be taken as a pill available in the market.
One Ayurvedic preparation called ‘Chyavanprash’ is said to be best immunity builder. This can be taken 2 tbsp twice or thrice a day. This is one of the simple and good home remedies for low immunity.
Keep proper gap between two meals. Let the prior meal get digested fully before you take your second meal. Keeping proper gap will allow body to absorb nutrients in proper way and this will boost up your energy level as well as your immunity.
Green tea is also one of the best immunity builder and been used in practice since years especially in south East Asian regions. This is one of the good and simple home remedies for low immunity.
Yebra met is another good home remedy for low immunity levels. This can be either taken as available in the capsule form or can go for the yebra met bags available in the market.
One should include proteins in the daily diet. Proteins develop the immunity in human body.
Certain vegetables belonging to the Cabbage family like – cauliflower, radish, turnip, broccoli and turnip are said to be immunity boosters and should be include in daily diet.
Fresh vegetables, fruits, beans and seeds are great immunity boosters. They are to be included in daily diet.
Reduce refined sugar, flour in your diet. They tend to lower down your immunity levels.
Prepare immunity boosting juice – take carrots, peel them well, add Indian gooseberry, ginger, beetroots and pinch of rock salt. Crush them well to make a juice. This is one of the best home remedies for increasing immunity.
Flavonid rich food such as yogurt, berries etc help in boosting immunity.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Low Immunity’]