Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
The juice of raw beetroot has been considered as good home remedy for low blood pressure. For this, a person should take a cup of this juice two times a day. The treatment is to be continued for at least for a week.
Another good herb used for treating low blood pressure is Indian spikenard. It is taken in the dosage of 30-40 grains along with little camphor and cinnamon. You can also prepare infusion by steeping 15-20 gm of herb in 250 ml of water. This is to be taken three times a day.
One of the simplest but effective remedy for low blood pressure is hot Epsom salt bath. It is prepared by dissolving one kg of commercial Epsom salt in lukewarm bath water. Soak yourself in this water for about 20 minutes. The bath is to be taken just before going to bed. Don’t expose yourself to cold immediately after taking bath. This is one of the good home remedies for low blood pressure.
Latest researches show that protein, Vitamin C and B group is useful leveling the blood pressure whether high or low. You can have them in the form of pills or can consume the food having abandon quantity of these vitamins.
Exclusive fruit diet will be very beneficial treating the hypotension or low blood pressure.
Lukewarm water enema has been used to clean the bowel and so leveling the entire body system since years.
Light walking, swimming and cycling regulates the blood pressure and hence one of the useful home remedies for low blood pressure.
Excessive work and anxiety worsen the case of low blood pressure. Hence, it is better to avoid unnecessary arguments and debates.
Try to include salt and salty food in your diet. Salt increases the blood pressure. But try to avoid too much salt as it may give adverse effect to the body in other ways.
Soak seven almonds in water over the night. Peel them and make a pste in the next morning. Put it into lukewarm milk and drink it. It has beneficial effect on low blood pressure. This is one of the useful home remedies for low blood pressure.
Certain Ayurvedic formulas like Ashwagandha Churna and Ashwagandharishta has shown benefits in treating low blood pressure.
The most effective treatment is Yoga postures and some breathing techniques like Pranayama. These are proven remedies for restoring the levels of blood pressure. It has been also proven by lot many clinical researches and clinical trials.
Meditation helps in regulating the blood pressure.
You can also include some spicy food to your diet. One should not do it if suffering from any kind of gastrointestinal problems including acidity.
Try to avoid drinks of alcohol. It may dilate the blood vessel and hence, may result in blood pressure alteration.
Eat and sleep healthy. Take enough rest and try to avoid pillows while sleeping.
Soak about 30 small raisins in a ceramic bowl full of water over the night. In the next morning, chew them one by one on empty stomach. Drink this water afterwards. This has beneficial effects on treating low blood pressure. This is one of the best home remedies for low blood pressure.
Crush 15 holy basil lives and strain them through a clean muslin cloth. Take them along with one tsp of honey early in the morning with empty stomach. This is one of the best and effective home remedies for low blood pressure.
Try to include asafetida in your diet. This has property to restore the blood pressure level. This is one of the simple home remedies for low blood pressure.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)’]