Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Make a paste from inner part of mango and apply it in vagina as mango is playing good role in treating leucorrhoea. This is one of the best home remedies for leucorrhoea.
Make a douche from 2-3 tsp fenugreek seeds by boiling it in 1 lit of water. After it starts boiling, keep it on low flame for about half an hr, filter it and use it. Fenugreek is very much helpful drug to relieve leucorrhoea.
Cook a handful of rice in half a lit of water in an open pan. When rice is ready don’t throw the residue water drink this water when it remains that much hot that u can consume. Drink it on adding 1 tsp of sugar. This relieves your leucorrhoea within a week. This is one of the common home remedies for leucorrhoea
Make a decoction from ladyfinger by boiling it of 200 gm in a lit of water, boil it to half. Filter it. Add sugar to taste and drink 70ml/dose at an interval of 3 hrs. It is an effective home remedy for leucorrhoea.
Prepare a douche from walnut tree leaves. By boiling it in water until it remains half. This is of great value in treating leucorrhoea.
Take 1 tsp of Coriander seeds, soak it in a glass of water overnight and drink it in the morning. Continue this for a week. This is beneficial for leucorrhoea. This is one of the useful home remedies for leucorrhoea
Betel nut is also helpful for leucorrhoea as it cures and prevents its development. So chewing Betel nut after food relieves the condition.
Make a douche from tender Guava leaves. This infusion acts as an astringent and gives beneficial results.
Rub the root of Amaranth in a cup of water, then filter it and should be taken twice a day. In case you don’t get roots, leaves can be used instead of roots. It is also a good remedy for leucorrhoea.
Take 2 gm of Amalaki powder with sugar or honey gives best result in leucorrhoea. This is one of the simple and best home remedies for leucorrhoea
Take 5 drops of Sandalwood oil in morning and in evening with Plantain.
Cranberry juice is also helpful to relieve a condition of leucorrhoea.
Take a cold Hip bath two times a day for 10 min. this will relax the surrounding muscles and allow the matter to pass easily.
Regular hot Hip bath is also very effective in condition of leucorrhoea.
If white discharge is thick, mix turmeric with guggulu and consume it. This is very beneficial for leucorrhoea.
If white discharge is less dense, mix turmeric with garlic and eat it. This gives good results.
Take a mixture of Asparagus racemosus with Withania somnifera. Gives excellent result to relieve leucorrhoea. This is one of the popular home remedies for leucorrhoea
Eat one banana with ghee twice a day is beneficial to subside the condition of leucorrhoea.
Crush betel nut with rose petals in sugar, gives good relief from leucorrhoea.
Take a paste made from Smilax China powder with milk gives best result in condition of leucorrhoea. This is one of the famous home remedies for leucorrhoea[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Leucorrhoea’]