Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
You can make paste out of radish seeds nearly about 25 gm and powder them in 2 tsp of vinegar. An application of this paste on the affected area is very useful home remedy for Leucoderma.
Soak about 500 gm of turmeric in about eight liters of water. Boil it till it remains one liter. Strain the water and add about ½ liter of mustard oil. Mix the mixture well and apply to the affected area i.e. white patches. This is to be done twice a day for at least 2 -3 months. It is also a good remedy for leucoderma.
Another valuable home remedy for Leucoderma is goosefoot vegetable. To use this, extract the juice of this vegetable and simply apply on the affected area. You can also take this vegetable as an internal therapy. This whole treatment is to be continued for about two months.
The best known remedy for Leucoderma is usage of seeds of psoralea. In Ayurveda, this is termed as Babchi. These seeds are to be steeped in the juice of ginger for about three days. The water is to be changed everyday. These seeds are then rubbed with hands to remove the husks. Let them dry and then powder them. About 1 gm of powder is to be taken with fresh milk for about a month. You can also apply paste made out if seeds on the white patches. This is one of the simple home remedies for leucoderma
Another useful remedy for Leucoderma is using the red clay. This clay is found often by river side or on hill slopes. The clay is to be mixed with ginger juice in the ratio of one is to one and applied over the patches on the body.
Turmeric is time tested and trusted natural cure for leucoderma. This is been used in Ayurveda since years to treat various skin diseases including Leucoderma. You can go for turmeric powder extract or can consume raw turmeric. This purifies the blood and hence helps in reducing the white patches.
Fasting is best for initial stages. This fasting is to be then followed by juices of fruits and vegetables.
After some period of having diet of juices, one should go for balanced diet. Too much oily food and fat containing food worsens the case of Leucoderma.
One should avoid junk food, packed food and canned food. This may contain the preservatives which may worsen the case of Leucoderma.
Try to avoid stimulating beverages like carbonated cold drink, coffee and tea. These beverages may produce irritation to some type of skins.
Go for lukewarm water’s enema. This will clean the bowel and will make them toxin free. Keeping intestines toxin free is one of the important factors in Leucoderma.
Place a drinking water in copper’s vessel overnight. Drink this water early in the morning on empty stomach. Copper has capacity to heal the Leucoderma.
Eat walnuts regularly. The walnuts have property to purify the blood. And so is helpful home remedy for Leucoderma.
Eat figs regularly. Figs have healing property for Leucoderma.
An Ayurvedic drug called as Neem has excellent proven qualities for treating skin diseases including Leucoderma. For this, you can either go for Neem leaves juice or can go for ready made Neem extracted capsules. This is one of the best home remedies for leucoderma
The combination of 100 gm of drug alfalfa and cucumber juice has beneficial effects on Leucoderma. Consume this mixture twice a day. This is one of the simple and effective home remedies for leucoderma
An application of Ayurvedic drug Haritaki along with garlic juice on the affected area is one of the best home remedies for Leucoderma.
You can use dry pomegranate leaves in shade and grind them into fine powder. Sieve it and take about eight gm every morning and evening with fresh water.
You can also make poultice of ginger leaves and apply it on the affected area. The patches usually start getting healed up to certain extent. This is one of the effective and useful home remedies for leucoderma
Try to restrict sour tested food and salty food in diet. Salt and sour testing like lemon may worsen the case of Leucoderma.
Try to restrict non-vegetarian diet especially red meat and fish. In some people even eggs worsen the case of Leucoderma.
Ayurveda believes that one of the reasons to have skin diseases is wrong eating habit. In other words the foods which are not compatible with each other should not be consumed. For instance, fish with milk or radish with milk will produce skin disease in long term.
Make black gram paste and apply it on the white patches. This is to be continued for at least for four months. This is one of the best home remedies for leucoderma
Holy basil plays an important role in treating leucoderma. For this, one can consume raw leaves of holy basil or can go for the decoction made out of the stems and leaves.
Certain Ayurvedic herbs like Shatavari, Sariva, Manjishtha, Neem, Bakuchi and Arka are considered to be best for treating Leucoderma. You can either go for their extract or can use the formula containing these ingredients.
Ayurveda also believes certain Dharma is to be done and perfect religious activities are to be followed as this disease may be originated from some evil spirit or curse.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Leucoderma’]