Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Kidney beans are considered to be one of the best remedies for treating any kidney disorder especially kidney stones. One can take kidney beans as a cooked vegetables and rice. Daily taking this vegetable will help dissolving the kidney stones. This is one of the best home remedies for kidney stones.
The celery is a valuable food for those who are susceptible to have kidney stones. Celery will not only help in treating the kidney stones but it is also beneficial home remedy for dissolving gall bladder stones. This is one of the useful home remedies for kidney stones.
Holy basil is also said to be good for treating kidney stones. Holy basil is been used in Ayurveda for treating kidney stones since years. You can take holy basil’s decoction or can chew the raw leaves. Another method is taking one tsp each of basil juice and honey. This is to be taken at least for six months. It is an effective home remedy for kidney stones.
Apples are also good for those who are prone to have kidney stones. They also have good effect on gall bladder stones.
The seeds of both; sweet and sour pomegranates are useful as home remedy for kidney stones. For this, you can take a tbsp of seeds and then grind it into fine paste. This paste is taken along with a cup of horse gram soup that can dissolve the gravel in kidneys. Use two tbsp of horse gram is to be used for preparing the cup of soup.
Another good remedy for kidney stones is using the watermelon. This fruit contains the highest concentration of water among rest of the fruits. It is also rich in potassium salts. This is ultimate, safest and best diuretics that can be used as remedy for kidney stones.
Latest researches show that regular usage of vitamin B especially Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is very useful in treating the kidney stones. The dosage of 100-150 mg of vitamin B6 will be sufficient to have.
One should avoid the foods like alcoholic beverages and other stimulating drinks such as carbonated water, coffee and tea. This is considered to be bad for kidney stones.
One should also avoid taking acidic food and drink. This will not only worsen the case of kidney stones but may irritate the urinary tract and cause burning micturation.
Other irritants to the kidney include foods like, radish, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, spinach and pickles. Try to restrict all these foods in daily usage.
One should also avoid non-vegetarian diet especially red meat. Eating the non-vegetarian diet may irritate the urinary tract and can worsen the case of kidney stones.
Another element to be restricted for kidney stones is calcium and phosphate. This will form the kidney stones and hence to be avoided as much as possible. The foods contain calcium and phosphates are whole wheat flour, turnips, Bengal grams, peas, coconuts, almonds, cauliflower, cabbages, carrots and excessive dairy milk products.
One should go for low protein diet. Restrict the protein intake by one gram per kilogram of the food.
Drinking plenty of water is also good homemade remedy for treating the kidney stones. This may flush off the kidney and expel out the micro or small stones.
Latest researches reveal that certain yoga postures are beneficial in treating the kidney stones. The postures include Pavanamuktasana, Dhanurasana, Uttanpadasana, Bhujangasana etc.
You can take two figs and boil them in a cup of water. Make it cool and have this solution at a time early in the morning at empty stomach. This treatment should be continued at least for one month. This is one of the best home remedies for kidney stones.
Apples are considered to be one of the best home remedies for kidney stones. Eat two to three apples a day after meals. This will help in dissolving the kidney stones.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Kidney Stones’]