Natural Cures for Itching

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Application of mixture of lemon juice and coconut oil gives good result in itching. This is also said to reduce the inflammation from the skin. This is one of the best home remedies for itching.
Even the application of Aloe Vera is good remedy for itching; it not only cures the itching, but also makes your skin smooth.
Itching is seen more in dry skins, in that case application of Cod liver oil helps better.
Soak your body in water containing one cup of white or apple cider vinegar for about 15-20 min. It is very effective home remedy for itching.
To get immediate relief from itching, apply any rub containing menthol such as Vicks vapor rub or any other.
Add oatmeal of near about 2 cups to Luke warm water and soak your body for 10- 15 min. It is also a good remedy for itching.
Salt aggravates the condition of itching, so salt free or less salt diet is beneficial.
Make a paste of mixture of water and baking soda, apply it, it gives relief from itching. This is one of the useful home remedies for itching.
People suffering from itching must try to keep skin oily rather than dry as it aggravates itching. Apply oil containing Vitamin E.
Boil Neem leaves with your bath water, as Neem is very good remedy for any types of Skin complaints. This is one of the common home remedies for itching.
With the usage of Neem, you may apply oil made from Neem also, that relives your itching.
Take bath with hot water, this also ameliorates itching condition.
Take bath with water containing some cornstarch, this gives better result in itching.
Yellow dock or peppermint bath is very effective in itching condition.
Boil some dried Basil leaves in water with cover on it, apply this basil tea to itching part, will give good result. This is one of the useful home remedies for itching.
Apply a coat of Petroleum jelly and after that apply a thick coat of baby powder. This gives better results in itching as it prevents direct air to skin.
One of the best home remedies for itching is an application of tea tree oil. This relieves the condition of itching.
Wash affected area properly then apply a thick layer of vase line, this gives relief in itching.
Another good homemade is an application of fresh stinging nettle oil gives relief from itching.
Soak 2 handfuls of Chickweed in water, when the plant becomes soft, allow it to be cool and then apply to the skin. This is one of the best home remedies for itching
Bath with one can of evaporated milk. Milk works and soothes the skin problem.
Apply moisturizer after every wash of affected area; it will decrease the dryness of the skin.
Apply the mixture of grinded 1Table spoon of poppy seeds with 1 Teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of water. This gives good affect for itching.
Mash some almond leaves and apply it to affected part, will give relief from itching. This is one of the common home remedies for itching
Mash papaya seeds, apply on affected part also relives the condition of itching.
Apply the paste made from lime juice and sandalwood to affected area; this will relieve the condition of itching.
Make syrup from 5gms of garden mint in water, by adding 15gms of sugar. Drink it twice a day to get rid of itching.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Itching’]