Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Eating curd will be beneficial for bringing sleep. This is been used since years for the treatment of insomnia.
Try to include raw onion salads into your daily diet. This brings sleep without any side effect.
One can also take warm milk with little honey at bed time. This is one of the good home remedies for insomnia.
Take 1 tsp juice of celery leaves with stalks and one tsp of honey. Take this mixture at least for 15 days. It is an effective cure for insomnia. This is one of the best home remedies for insomnia.
Try this formula to bring good sleep – take two tsp of fenugreek leaves juice along with one tsp of honey at bed time. Continue this remedy at least for a month.
You can also try chamomile tea steeped for about three minutes with a bit of milk and two tablespoonful of natural honey. Take a warm shower to reduce your body’s natural temperature and once you lay down shut your brain! This will work every time. This is one of the effective home remedies for insomnia
Drink chamomile, lobelia or peppermint tea just before bed. This is said to be good to bring natural sleep and is very effective home remedy for insomnia.
You should eat good meal just short before sun sets. This should be followed by (two hours later) lukewarm shower and then going to bed. This will bring natural sleep in minutes.
Rinse your eyes with rosewater and then put a drop of pure ghee (butter oil) of a cow into your eyes. Keep your eyes closed and just sleep.
This really works – comb your hairs and then asked your beloved to simply tingle your hairs of head.
Massaging the feet, calves, nape of the neck and shoulders will be one of the best things to bring the normal sleep and is also one of the best home remedies for insomnia.
Massaging the soles before going to bed regularly brings normal sleep. It is also a good remedy for insomnia.
Before few hours to bed time, go for Kava kava. This reduces the tension, stress and anxiety. This will also relax the muscles and bring normal sleep. It can also be sedative if taken in large dose.
One of the most popular home remedies for insomnia is usage of Valerian. This herb relaxes the muscles and rejuvenates the nerves making one to sleep easily.
Try this to bring normal sleep – about a tsp of chamomile flowers, hops, valerian root and one cup of boiling water. Steep them all for about 45 minutes and then strain and drink. This is to be taken an hour before bedtime at least for 15 days. This is one of the best home remedies for insomnia.
Researches reveal that thiamine or Vitamin B is considered to be one of the best home remedies for insomnia. For this, one can take lots of whole grains, pulses, cereals and nuts.
Buffalo milk is useful to bring normal sleep and is used since centuries in Ayurveda.
Meditation and certain yoga postures are said to be sure shots for bringing normal and deep sleep.
Certain Ayurvedic herbs like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi etc are very good for brining normal sleep.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Insomnia’]