Natural Cures for Indigestion

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

In Ayurveda this condition is called agnimandya. Even without a disease one may suffer from indigestion by overeating or eating wrong food in a wrong manner.
It may result in a feeling of heaviness in stomach, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting and burning sensation in the chest. Psychic factors like anger, anxiety and worry also play an important role in the digestion of food. Follow the tips:
Mix equal parts of baking soda and water in a glass. Drink as soon as you feel indigestion coming. It is an effective home remedy for indigestion.
Mix one teaspoon of cumin seeds (jeera) in a glass of water . Add one teaspoon of fresh coriander leaf juice and a pinch of salt. Have it twice a day.
Eat half a teaspoon of aniseed to improve digestion.
Lemon juice mixed in warm water taken three times a day improves digestion.
A teaspoon of seeds of ajwain with a little rock salt is a good remedy for indigestion
One or two teaspoon of coriander juice, added to fresh buttermilk, is highly beneficial in treating digestive disorders.
Have papita fruit and get some relief from indigestion The teaspoon of Celery (Ajwain ka patta) seeds soaked in a glass of buttermilk for 5 to 6 hours should be ground in the same buttermilk mixture and administered to relieve indigestion.
A tablespoon of cinnamon water, taken after an hour after meals, relieves flatulence and indigestion.
Ground cardamom (chhoti elaichi) seed mixed with ginger, clovesand coriander is an effective remedy for indigestion.
Clove (Laung) promote enzymatic flow and boost digestive functioning.
Go for a walk for 30 minutes
Fresh juice of curry leaves , with lime juice and sugar, is an effective medicine for indigestion.
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