Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Find the triggering agent for hives. Avoiding this trigger is the first and foremost for getting rid of hives.
An application of cool compression may help to provide some relief from itching and pain of hives.
Application of calamine lotion is workable up to certain extent in hives. This is very useful especially in itching. This is one of the good home remedies for hives.
One can also get rid of hives by dabbing milk of magnesia on the affected areas. This provides relief. Milk of magnesia comes under alkaline solution that helps in removing the irritation and so the itching.
One of the important factors is calming the nerves. Stress makes the hives worse. Drinking peppermint tea calms down the mood and so the hives. You can also try for chamomile or valerian tea to sooth your nerves. This will help in healing the hives.
For itching, one can try this – take ½ a tub filled with lukewarm water and add ½ cup of cornstarch with ½ cup of baking soda. A person suffering from hives will have to soak the body into this at least once a day. It is an effective home remedy for hives.
An application of Aloe vera is time tested and trusted home remedy for hives. You can use the pulp of Aloe or a cream containing Aloe on the affected area. The herb has property to heal the skin disease.
Vitamin E oil is also beneficial for healing the hives. Apply the oil at least twice a day for proper benefits.
One can have nettle tea. Add honey or lemon for flavor. Nettles are considered to be having property to heal the hives.
You can also consume cayenne pepper capsule that is available in the market. Cayenne has medicinal value to heal the hives. This is one of the best home remedies for hives.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E with Zinc is considered to be good for treating hives as homemade remedy. You can either go for the pills containing the elements or can go for the food which are abandoning of these elements.
Some experts favor acupressure as best remedy for hives. Certain acupoints are said to be regulator for hives.
You can make a paste out of 2 cups of oatmeal and 3 tsp of cornstarch. Mix it well by adding little water just to make a form of paste. You can apply this solution on the affected area for about ½ hour. This mixture will dry up the hives within couple of hours. This is one of the useful home remedies for hives.
Swimming in a pool containing water with chlorine is another good idea to treat the hives. Chlorine will take the itch out and also help the hives to disappear within couple of hours!
One should avoid heat if having hives. The heat worsens the case of hives. If you want to go out, cover your hives and then go.
You can take one tsp of olive oil or vegetable oil. Mix few drops of grapefruit seed extract into this. This mixture is applied over the affected area on the skin. This helps reducing the itching and also to heal the hives. This is one of the common home remedies for hives.
You can also add grapefruit seed extract in a cup of water and can spray this solution on the affected area. Grapefruit seeds are very effective cure for hives. This is one of the useful home remedies for hives.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Hives’]