Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
If the hiccups are recurring, suck small piece of the fresh ginger. This will give you relief from hiccup.
Lay on your back. This position is good for getting rid of hiccups.
One can boil ½ tsp of cardamom fresh powder in two cups water until about 1 cup remains. Stir it and drink a glassful of this solution. It is an effective home remedy for hiccups.
Mix two tsp of common salt in a cup of plain yogurt or curds and eat it. It is one of the trustable home remedies for hiccups.
Try this – take a deep breath as long as possible and let it go out. This will make lungs and diaphragm working well and may stop hiccups immediately.
This exercise is very useful – take a deep breathe through your mouth and then lean forward by pushing down your stomach. Hold this position as long as you can and then gently exhale the air through mouth. It will help you to stop hiccups.
Ask someone to block your both the ears carefully with palms. Drink 6 ounces of water without stopping your breathe. This works wonderfully in preventing hiccups.
You can also place a tbsp of sugar in mouth and suck slowly. In most of the cases, it is a sure-shot home remedy for hiccups.
Plug your ears with your fingers and drink any healthy drink with a straw. This may look funny but equally works well.
You can also put a paper bag on your mouth and nose and then breathe easy through this.
One can engage himself or herself by thinking and talking any issues. The hiccups may go off, once the mind is not looking at it!
For some people, eating a spoonful of peanut butter stops the episodes of hiccups.
Take 12 tsp of mustard seeds and mix it with ½ tsp of pure ghee (butter oil). Swallow it slowly and it will stop hiccups. This is one of the good home remedies for hiccups.
You can close your eyes and then gently press your eyeballs with your own palms. In some cases this prevents the hiccups attacks.
You can take a mixture of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, few leaves of mint and lukewarm water. Take this in a dosage of a glassful. This will eliminate the gastric irritation and will also help in reducing the episodes of hiccups. This is one of the useful home remedies for hiccups.
Keeping a piece of cardamom also helps in reducing the episodes of hiccups.
Don’t over eat. Over eating produces the irritation to the stomach and so the diaphragm. This may end up in hiccups.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Hiccups’]