Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
If the stones are very large and has been persisting since long, then there is no solution other than the surgery.
In the initial stage, a patient can fast for two to three days. This gives temporarily relief.
For initial days, it is best if patient can be only on water.
One can begin with fruits and vegetable juice after the fasting. These may include grapefruit, lemon, grapes, carrot, beets etc.
It is advisable to be lacto-vegetarian. Give up non-vegetarian diet and poultry till you become alright.
Pears can be taken generously. They are considered to be having specific healing effects on gall bladder.
One can also include yoghurt, cottage cheese and one tbsp of olive oil two times a day. This will give good effect on gall bladder.
The olive oil alone is good a home remedy for gall bladder stones. The oil serves as stimulant for production of bile and lipase. These help in the digestion in fat enzymes.
Meats, animal fats, processed foods and packaged foods are best to be avoided.
The diet should exclude refined carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in terms of sugar and sugar products, alcohol, soft drinks, cakes etc are to be avoided.
Ice creams, coffee, tea and citrus food are to be restricted.
It is better to go for three-four little meals rather than going for two or three large meals.
The combination of these juices – beet, carrot and cucumber is considered to be one of the best home remedy for gall bladder stones. This formula has proven its efficacy towards all gall bladder disorders and not only in stones.
Another homemade remedy is consuming flowers, seeds and roots of chicory or endive plant. This carries valuable benefits for gall bladder stones. For this, one can go for 30-50 ml of decoction of seeds, flowers or roots and can have thrice a day. It is believed that, this juice promotes the secretion of bile and hence, god for liver and gall bladder both. This is one of the best home remedies for gall bladder.
Anise seeds are said to be good for dissolving the gall bladder stones.
Alfalfa is another proven home remedy for gall bladder stones. This is high in nutrients and hence also provides energy to the body.
Some believe that warm water enema will improve the condition of gall bladder stones. This will also improve the digestion and clearing the track of the intestines.
Barberry is considered to be good for gall bladder. It not only helps in dissolving the stones but also removes toxins from the bodily organs. This is also oneof the good home remedies for gall bladder.
Some Ayurvedic herbs like ‘Paashanbheda’ have been used to treat any kind of stones in the body. There are various Ayurvedic products available in which this herb is one of the important herbs.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Gall Bladder Stones’]