Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Egg plant is considered to be very effective in female sterility. For this, you can tenderly cook the eggplants and then eat with buttermilk daily. This could be continued for at least a month. This is one of the best home remedies for female infertility
Some suggest an application of mudpacks on the abdomen and sexual organs may help reducing the sterility in female. It is an effective home remedy for female infertility.
Some practical approaches to the female sterility suggest the cold water hipbath is good for the initial condition of sterility. One can soak her body into the bathtub containing the water up to the naval.
In Ayurveda, the root of banyan tree is considered to be good in female sterility. For this, on can mix dried and powdered banyan roots with the milk and can take it at night after the menstrual periods are over. The whole procedure is to be repeated at least for six months to one year. This has shown positive effect on female sterility. This is one of the good home remedies for female infertility
Another one of the good home remedies for female infertility is usage of Jamun (Ayurvedic herb) fruit. The Jamun leaves are taken with honey. This has shown practical and positive approach to female sterility.
Latest researches show that certain yoga postures are very helpful for treatment of female sterility. These postures include Sarvangasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana and Shallabhasana. These are effective natural cures for female infertility.
Medical science suggest of having the diet of food rich in Vitamin C, E and mineral zinc will surely help treating the female sterility.
The herb called winter cherry is another excellent home remedy for female sterility. For this, the herb should be powdered and 6gm of powder should be taken with a cup of milk for a week at nights after the menstruation.
Your diet should contain seeds, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts etc. These are to be supplemented with vegetables oils, honey and milk.
Curd and cottage cheese are also valuable for treating female infertility.
One should go for sprouted seeds, beans and grains. The nutrition value is multiplied if you sprout the material. This will boost up your immunity and will help you overcoming the infertility.
The bowels should remain cleaned and for that, a warm-water enema is given during the period of fasting and then when necessary. This works on intestines and their surroundings like uro-genital system. This is also one of the simple home remedies for female infertility.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Female Infertility’]