Natural Cures For Cystitis

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Treating cystitis with drumstick flowers has been in practise since years. This is considered to be diuretic. For this, one can have a cup of this juice which is mixed with one tsp of honey and a tbsp of fresh lime juice. Take this whole thrice a day. It is one of the effective home remedies for cystitis.
Treat cystitis with spinach. A quantity of 100 ml of fresh spinach juice with equal quantity of the tender coconut water two times a day is said to be good for cystitis. This will act as very beneficial and effective diuretic. This action of this infusion is due to its nitrates and potassium ingredients. This is one of the effective home remedies for cystitis
Radish leaves are also good for treating cystitis. You can use this by taking a cup of this juice in the morning on regular basis at least for fifteen days.
Another good home remedy for cystitis is lady’s finger. They are very useful in this condition. You can make decoction of ladies finger by taking 100 gm of lady’s fingers and 200 ml of water and then it is boiled. Take this two times a day.
One of the best home remedies for treating cystitis is cucumber juice. This also comes in diuretic category. You can take one cup of the juice of cucumber and add one tsp of honey and tbsp of lime juice. This whole mixture can be taken thrice a day at least for fortnight.
Simple usage of lemon also works wonderfully in treating the cystitis. Lemon is proven remedy for this condition. A tsp of lemon juice is to be put in 200 ml of boiling water. This should be cooled and out of this, 50 ml water is to be taken every two hours from morning to noon. This will not only cease burning sensation but also will cure minor bleeding problems. This is one of the useful home remedies for cystitis
Half a glass each of barley gruel is taken and mixed up with buttermilk. To enhance its efficacy half lime juice is then added. This works as excellent diuretic and can be taken two times a day. This is one of the useful home remedies for cystitis
Another good home remedy for cystitis is sandalwood oil. The oil is taken in the dosage of 5 drops in the beginning and then gradually it is increased up to 10-20 drops depending upon the tolerance and condition of the disease and diseased. Adding of ginger will give power to this remedy.
During the onset of the cystitis, one should withhold all solid foods immediately. Tender coconut water will be very beneficial from the initial stage of cystitis.
Jump on to the raw vegetable juice. Especially the juice of carrot is said to be one of the best remedies for cystitis. The carrot juice can be taken even every 2-3 hourly. For this, one can take ½ a glass of carrot juice should be mixed with same quantity of water and taken at a time.
First you should switch on the all fruit diet and then when you improve gradually move to the well balanced diet with emphasis on seeds, vegetables, nuts, grains and fruits. The patient should strictly avoid refined flours, carbohydrates, fatty food and too much solid and dry food.
One can have tea made up with special ingredients which are useful in treating cystitis. For this, take 3tsp of marshmallow root, 2tsp of dandelion leaf, 2 tsp crushed juniper berries and 3 tsp nettle. To prepare this tea, take 4 cups of water and simmer marshmallow roots in it with covered pot for 5 minutes. Remove this from heat and add dandelion leaf, nettle, juniper berries and steep for about 15 minutes. Strain and drink 3-4 cups throughout the day. This is one of the effective home remedies for cystitis[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Cystitis’]