Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Don’t let your lips dry. Drink plenty of water everyday.
You can cut the cucumber in slices and can apply on the lips. This is considered to be one of the proven home remedies for dry lips.
Aloe vera gel is time tested and proven one of the home remedies for cracked lips. You can apply the aloe vera gel or juice on the lips. This will prevent lip cracking.
One can also apply the Neem leaves extract on the lips. However, it is quite difficult because of its extremely bitter taste. This is one of the good home remedies for dry lips.
Include the diet which is rich in vitamin A. This vitamin is very important for the growth and repair of the skin including the lips. Vegetables like carrot, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables are excellent source of the Vitamin A.
You can also make a booster drink with vegetables. For this, you can have 1tbsp of water cress, carrot and spinach juice. Add two tbsp of wheat germ oil and one glass of tomato juice, and 1 tbsp of nutritional yeast. Have this drink. It is also a good one of the home remedies for dry lips.
Try to include grains, legumes and nutritional yeast in your diet. This will prevent your lips from cracking.
One of the most important things to be remembered that you should not lick your cracked lips. Your saliva may give temporarily relief but when the saliva dries, it gets again cracked. In fact, sometimes it may worsen the case.
There are some herbal lip guards available in the market. You can apply as per the direction given on the product.
Remember that the sun can be harmful to your cracked lips. The sun can more easily dry the skin and hence use the lip balm containing the sunscreen.
Give up the smoking even if you do. Smoking worsens the case of lip cracking.
Try to look at some other factors which can trigger the crack lips. The trigger factors may include; toothpaste, cosmetics, skin care products, mouthwash, nutritional deficiencies and some other items like candy and chewing gum.
Sometimes cosmetics like lipsticks may also cause irritation to the lips and may result into cracked lips.
Cracked lips are supposed to be infected very easily. So, whenever you have cracked lips, kindly apply some over the counter antibiotics. This will prevent further infections.
If the cracked lips are due to drooling in the night, you can use the zinc oxide ointment which may work as protective agent. This is also one of the good home remedies for dry lips.
Simply apply the clarified butter or milk cream before going to bed. Continue this for few days. This is one of the well liked home remedies for dry lips.
The butter oil known as ‘Ghee’ is supposed to be excellent remedy for cracked lips. You stretch your lips up to maximum extent and fill them with the Ghee. This will heal your cracked lips within couple of days. This is one of the useful home remedies for dry lips.
Some suggest going for vitamin B complex tablets. This will help you healing the cracked lips.
Never remain constipated. Constipation worsens the case. For this, you can go for herbal bowel regulators.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Cracked Chapped Or Dry Lips’]