Natural Cures For Corns

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Lemon is considered to be one of the best home remedy for corns. For this, one can take fresh slice of the lemon and can be tied over the painful affected area. This is done at night and throughout it is kept to heal the corns. Early in the morning it is removed and the area is washed with disinfectant material.
Ayurveda believes Licorice as most valuable therapy for the corns. This works wonderfully especially when the corns have just started appearing. To use this, the paste is made by grinding licorice sticks and mixing them with ½ tsp of sesame oil. You can also take mustard oil as well. This paste is to be rubbed on the affected area where the skin has become harden. With the application of this, skin becomes soft and prevents corns to form fully. This is one of the useful home remedies for corns.
The raw papaya is considered to be beneficial in the treatment of corns. The juice of it is applied over the hardened area. This is irritable to the local part and hence helpful for the condition. The dosage for application of the juice is ½ tsp three times a day.
There is one Indian herb called Indian squill. This has proven beneficial effect on the corns. For this, a bulb like structure is made out of it and then it is applied over the corns. A bandage may require to tie properly. This bandage is kept overnight and is removed in the morning.
Another good home remedy for corns is milky juice of green figs. To do this, one can take ½ tsp of the juice of the green figs and can apply on to the affected area thrice a day. It will soften the skin and will also prevent the corns to occur further.
One should go for Vitamin and mineral rich food. The light and nutritious diet will be beneficial for treating corns. For this, lot many fruits and vegetable are recommended.
Don’t go out with barefoot. Use footwear for the same.
Never try to pull the corns. If they start bleeding, it’s quite difficult to stop them.
Tied over the painful area a fresh slice of lemon at night and allowed it to remain there the whole night. This is also one of the effective home remedies for corns.
Stop touching the corns every now and then. Touching them may spread the infections to other sites of the body.
Certain Ayurvedic treatment called “ksharkarma” is sometimes useful treating some of the stubborn corns.
Apply Half a teaspoon of raw papaya juice three times everyday. This is one of the effective home remedies for corns.
Chalk powder has also been found helpful in the treatment of corns. Make a paste of small piece of chalk with water and applied over the affected area. This is one of the best home remedies for corns.
There are lot many corn-caps available in the market. You can apply it as they are proven to be beneficial for the treatment of corns.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Corns’]