Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
One can take acidophilus capsules thrice or four times a day with milk. This will help you in cold sores. This is one of the good home remedies for cold sores.
You can also apply a tea bag on the cold sores for at least 5-10 minutes each hour. This works best in early stages of the cold sores. This is also one of the good home remedies for cold sores.
One can apply Witch Hazel on the sores as this is one of the useful home remedies for cold sores. .
One can go for a simple formula. Take 100 ml of Coconut oil with 2 ml of disinfectant liquid like Dettol and 3ml of Carbolic acid. Make this mixture and apply on the affected area. This should be done twice or thrice a day. This can cure not only cold sores but also bites, itching and boils. This is one of the good and effective home remedies for cold sores.
You can apply ice for 5-10 minutes. This gives relief on cold sores.
One should restrict foods like chocolate, peanuts, other nuts, peas, seeds, whole-wheat products and oatmeals which are rich in arginine.
One should also avoid acidic and salty food.
Take Vitamin B complexes either in diet or the pills. It helps in cold sores natural cure.
Restrict the intake of stimulant drinks like coffee and tea.
Some people favor on the application of cornstarch as a paste on the cold sores. This gives relief in itching and burning sensation. This is one of the best home remedies for cold sores.
The tea tree oil is considered to be one of the best home remedies for cold sores as per the latest researchers.
Take bath using the herbal bath material instead of chemically made soaps and shampoos.
The ‘Triphala’, an Ayurvedic compound works wonderfully. The decoction is made out of it and mixed up with the bathing water.
Usage of Neem leaves is also said to be good and healing for cold sores. For this one can go for Neem leaves decoctions or paste of Neem leaves to apply on the affected area. This is one of the good home remedies for cold sores.
One can also apply the spirit of camphor on the cold sores. It is also helpful in treating cold sores.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Cold Sores’]