Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
The first and foremost for cholera treatment is keep body hydrated. For this, WHO formula for oral rehydration solution is to be kept ready and is given as much as possible. If the person has profuse vomiting, he should be taken directly to the hospital.
Have limejuice on the regular basis every day. This helps killing the cholera bacilli. This is one of the useful home remedies for cholera.
Since years, onions are considered to be one of the best home remedies for cholera. For this, grind about 30 gm of onions with 5-7 black peppers. Give this infusion to the sufferer twice or thrice a day.
Make juice from cucumber leaves for about one glass. Add a glassful of coconut water. Give this formula in the dosage of 30-60 ml to the patient. This works wonderfully by stopping the episodes of cholera and also helps in reducing the excessive thirst. This is one of the good home remedies for cholera.
The fresh juice of bitter gourd is said to be effective home remedy for the cholera. This works wonderfully in early stages. To consume, take two tsp of the bitter gourd juice mixed with equal quantity of white onion juice. Prepare this solution and then finally add a tsp of lime juice. The whole mixture is given twice daily.
Cloves are in use for treating cholera since years. About 4 gm of this spice is taken and put in three litres of water. The vessel containing this is kept on fire till it burns out half of the total content. This decoction is given to the patient several times in a day. This will reduce the irritation of the bowels and hence, will reduce the episodes of the cholera. This is one of the good home remedies for cholera.
Buttermilk is considered to be one of the good for treating cholera. Cumin seed’s powder with little rock salt will work sufficiently. This is one of the effective home remedies for cholera.
The decoction of the holy basil (tulasi) will work wonderfully. For this the leaves are put into the boiling water and then drunk.
Some of the Ayurvedic herbal medicines like ‘Kutajarishta’ is said to have positive effect on the cholera conditions.
The rice water is one of the best home remedies in cholera. The cooked rice is washed with the water vigorously and then that water is taken internally. This will help reducing the episodes of diarrhoea.
One should give up the junk food and heavy food like bread, items made up from wheat etc. This will put an extra burden on the intestines and will worsen the case of diarrhoea.
Spicy, oily, junk food and cold drinks are strictly to be avoided.
Try to avoid even milk as this may work as an irritant to intestines in some cases of cholera.
Give up roughage for some time. Fibre rich food will increase the episodes of diarrhoea.
Some of the naturopaths believe that eating yogurt will be good idea. This will give strength to intestines and hence will help in the disease.
Fasting is must as per some science like Ayurveda. This science believes that fasting and giving the rest to intestines will restore the digestive fire and so will help in relieving the disease.
Taking light diet will be good idea. This may include rice flakes and corn flakes. One can go for vegetable soup with spices like black pepper, rock salt and ginger added. It is beneficial in treating cholera.
The nutmeg is considered to be one of the best home remedies for cholera as per Ayurveda in the case of severe diarrhoea. If the cholera is associated with diarrhoea which is there most of the times, then usage of the nutmeg will be helpful in those conditions.
The black herbal tea containing ginger, black pepper, holy basil and mint will be helping to cure the cholera condition and is one of the good home remedies for cholera.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Cholera’]