Natural Cures For Bruises

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Putting the chill on the bruises will be the first idea. For this, take an ice pack to treat the affected area. The ice pack must be applied as early as possible.
If ice-pack is not available, you can go for putting ice directly on the affected area. Put that at 15 minute intervals. Allow your skin to warm naturally between the intervals. There is no need to put heat.
You should prop your foot up. Bruises are little reservoirs of bodily fluids. Elevating the affected area may help you decreasing the severity of bruise.
Adding Vitamin C in your diet will be good idea. Vitamin C has healing property. And studies show that people who lack Vitamin C in their fiets are tend to be more prone towards getting bruise and top of that, they heal very slowly.
For the children who don’t allow to put ice-packs, the best idea would be spreading little margarine on the bruise. The bruise shall disappear in a short time and there won’t be swelling.
If your skin is not broken, you can also use raw onion. Apply a sliced raw onion over the bruise. This is good for treatment for bruise.
One can apply mullein flowers which are steeped in olive oil. The combination of this is considered to be healing material for bruise. This is one of the effective home remedies for bruises.
Application of cold water is said to be good for bruise. This will not only give relief from pain but also reduce the swelling.
Take an uncooked egg and rub it on the bruise with the circular motion. This is considered to be having healing effect on the bruise.
One can also go for tea of comfrey, hyssop, hops, St. John’s wort or white oak bark for the application at affected bruise area of the body. It is one of the common home remedies for bruises.
St. John’s wort is considered to be having wonder effect on bruise. This has anti-bacterial and astringent properties. For this, one can use St. Johns wort tincture. Add few drops of it to organic oil or cream and applied on bruised area. The skin will absorb the material and will start healing itself.
One can plaster which is made from comfrey leaves. This is said to be one of the best home remedies for bruises.
Researches say that cabbage is having anti-inflammatory properties. This cabbage’s juice or leaves are to be applied on the affected area.
Arnica works wonderfully for bruise conditions. Few drops of arnica tincture added to cup of water and then this water is applied on the affected area through the cloth as bandaging. This heals bruise faster. This is one of the good home remedies for bruises.
Another herb for the bruise remedy is parsley. This herb has enough supply of vitamins and hence, works as therapeutic treatment for the wound. One can apply crushed parsley on the affected area. This should be continued till black or blue marks on the area disappear.
Take bath with Witch Hazel. This will help in circulation of the blood in the healing process. The Witch Hazel has properties like anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent.
Poultice made up of mustard will draw the blood away from the bruise. And in this way it helps healing the wound. This is also one of the useful home remedies for bruises.
Combination of two parts of ground mustard seeds with one part of honey and same of chopped onion works greatly. Use this combination as an application on bandage and then try it on the affected area. This will not only relieve pain but also reduce the swelling. This is one of the best home remedies for bruises.
Dip the cut onion into the apple cider vinegar and rub this on bruise. This shall prevent black and blue marks especially if applied on fresh bruise.
Rub the Vitamin K cream on affected area twice a day. Vitamin K has property to make body breaking down the blood and reabsorbing it. It is also a common remedy for bruise.
Make a fine mixture of 1 part cayenne pepper and 5 parts of melted Vaseline, cool it and apply once a day. This is one of the well liked home remedies for bruises.
One should take 50-100 mg of Zinc daily. This is said to be good for healing. But beware of taking zinc for more than a week as it may harm your body. Take the advice of physician.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Bruises’]