Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Milk cream is said to have beneficial effects on the boils. For this, one has to take one tablespoon of milk cream and mix it with ½ tsp of vinegar. Add some turmeric powder to it and make it small poultice. Application of this poultice on unripe boil will make it ripen without making them septic. This is one of the simple and useful home remedies for boils.
Application of cumin seeds are beneficial for boils. The paste is made out of the cumin seeds by adding little water. This paste gives soothing effect to the boils and helps healing them. It is a good home remedy for boils.
Turmeric powder is time tasted and one of the trusted home remedies for boils. The turmeric has property to heal. Dry roots of turmeric are roasted and the ashes are dissolved in a cupful of water. This solution is applied on the boils. Application of this formula will help ripening the boil and so bursting them automatically. This whole treatment is very useful especially in the case of fresh or newly developed boils.
Many of the people suggest betel leaves are to be used for treating different types of boils. For this, a leaf is taken and gently warmed till it softens. After this, the castor oils is applied on the leaf. Now this leaf is ready to spread over the affected area. One should replace this oily-leaf regularly after few hours. This will ripen the boil and drain out the purulent discharge giving healing touch to the boil. This is one of the well liked home remedies for boils.
The bitter gourd is good enough to treat the boils. This is used especially when the boil is filled up with blood. A cupful of freshly extracted juice of bitter gourd is taken and mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice. This should be taken on empty stomach daily at least for few months. This helps treating boils from the body. This is also one of the useful home remedies for boils.
Garlic and onions are said to be disinfectants. They have been used in many part of the world especially Asia for treating and healing the boils. The juice of any of these vegetables is applied on the boils. They help in ripening the boils. They not only do ripening but also evacuate the purulent material from the boils. These are common home remedies for boils.
Internally, the same vegetable i.e. garlic can be taken. Two to three pods of the garlic with meals will be sufficient. Take care of this therapy if you are suffering from acidity.
Mix a cupful of fresh bitter gourd juice with a tsp of lime juice and take this on an empty stomach. Taking this everyday on an empty stomach heal this condition. This is one of the best home remedies for boils.
To treat the boils, the Parsley is said to have very good therapy. This vegetable is taken and steeped in boiled water till it becomes tender and takes juicy form. Take this out hot only, and wrap it with clean muslin or linen cloth. This whole pack is to applied over the affected area i.e. on boils. Parsley not only ripens the unripe boil but also helps reducing inflammation locally.
Make a paste of 1 tsp of milk cream, 1/2 tsp of vinegar and a pinch of turmeric powder. When applied, it assists in ripening the blood boils and cure them without becoming septic. This is one of the good home remedies for boils.
Many of the naturopaths favor the Margosa leaves to be beneficial in boils. The Margosa leaves can be used in different ways. This may include decoction liniment or poultice. For instance, to make the decoction, one has to boil 500 ml of plain water by putting 15 gm of Margosa leaves and taking off the fire when the solution is reduced up to one third. This is one of the excellent home remedies for boils.
Restrict your non-vegetarian diet. Avoid alcohol and smoking too. This worsen the case of boils on the body.
Ground cumin seeds in water to make a fine paste. Apply the paste to the boils. This home remedy is one of the best home remedies for boils.
In lemon juice soak a piece of bread and apply to the boils. Cover it with a bandage loosely and leave overnight. This is one of the simple home remedies for boils.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Boils’]