Natural Cures For Abrasions

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

You can wash the wound and apply the Aloe Vera gel, Cod liver oil or Vitamin E oil.
If it bleeds with little hurt, usage of Cayenne pepper will stop bleeding on small scratches and cuts.
Garlic oil is said to have disinfectant. Use garlic oil to overcome infections and inflammation. You can put some band-aid and place on affected area.
Cinnamon is traditionally used to cure infection in a natural way.
The clove oil is used for infections. Apply some clove oil on it.
Spreading of honey over the affected area will heal the wound soon and it also helps in infections.
Crushed marigold flowers can be applied externally.
Parsley leaves are taken and crushed. The paste can be applied over abrasions.
Crushed fresh plantain leaves or onion juice can be applied topically.
Bruised geranium leaves or tea made up from sage applied externally.
During bathing, witch hazel and lavender made into poultice can be used.
You can also take few drops of lavender oil and can apply on abrasions.
The special homemade paste can be applied. This can be made by using comfrey, tea tree and calendula.
Keep away alcohol, smoking and junk food. One should go for nutrient rich diet.
Try to use herbal soap instead of chemical soap or cosmetic soap to wash the affected area.
The affected area can be disinfected by applying the medicated oil made up of thyme tea or with a cup of water containing 3-5 drops of essential oils.
One should wear protective pads over the affected area to prevent dirt and grime coming on it.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Abrasions’]