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Tietze syndrome is a benign inflammation of one or more of the costal cartilages. It was first described in 1921 by the German surgeon Alexander Tietze (1864-1927).[1][2]
While similar, Tietze syndrome is not identical to costochondritis. Tietze syndrome is characterized by swelling of the costal cartilages, while in costochondritis there is no swelling. It is now recognized that the presence or absence of swelling is only an indicator of the severity of the condition. It was at one time thought to be associated with, or caused by, a viral infection acquired during surgery, but this is now known not to be the case. Most sufferers have not had recent surgery.
The primary presentation of the syndrome is significant, acute pain in the chest, along with tenderness and some swelling of the cartilages affected, which is commonly palpable on examination. Although many times it can be extremely painful, to the point of being debilitating, Tietze’s Syndrome is considered to be a benign condition that generally resolves in 12 weeks. However, it can often be a chronic condition. Perceived pain is often exacerbated with respiration.
Costochondritis symptoms are similar to the Tietze’s, prime difference being that the pain radiates to the arms and shoulders in the latter.
If the pain does not completely cease within two months, it is recommended the patient consult with a doctor.
While the true causes of Tietze’s Syndrome are not well understood, it often results from a physical strain or minor injury, such as repeated coughing, vomiting or impacts to the chest. It has even been known to occur after hearty bouts of laughter. It can occur by over exerting or by an injury in the chest and breast.
Psychological stress is also a cause of Tietze’s Syndrome. Preceding stressful events such as relationship problems, family issues or work related stress are very commonly associated with this syndrome.
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