Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
One of the best home remedy for influenza is usage of onion. You can take an onion juice and honey in equal quantity. Mix them well and take this mixture at the dosage of 3-4 tsp on regular basis at least for a week.
Another home remedy for influenza is using the turmeric. For this, one can take a tsp of turmeric powder and can add one cup of warm milk. This mixture is very useful in treating the influenza. One should take this thrice a day. It will not only help in curing the influenza but will also take care about the complications of the disease.
You can also go for having long pepper as natural cure for influenza. About ½ tsp of the powder of long pepper is to be mixed with 2 tsp of honey and ½ tsp of juice of ginger. The whole mixture is taken three times a day. This is very useful especially in early stage of influenza. This is one of the effective home remedies for influenza.
Holy basil is considered to be good treatment for influenza. To use basil, take green leaves of the basil plant and boil along with some ginger in half a liter of water. Make a decoction of this and use it as a tea. This is useful homemade remedy for influenza. This is one of the best home remedies for influenza.
Fumigation of the burnt flour of finger millet is also another good home remedy for influenza. This is to be inhaled gently in the treatment of the disease. It will improve the blood circulation in the nasal mucosa and hence will reduce the local congestion. In this way, it is also useful in clearing off the stuffy nose.
The diet should be light. One can go for fruit diet and vegetable juice diet. First three to five days, this gives support to the body’s immunity.
After fever subsides, one can switch over to all fruit diet. When one feels light, then they can go for natural foods with emphasis on fresh fruits with raw vegetables.
Try to avoid cheese, rice, refined flour items, spices and condiments. These may worsen the influenza case.
Over boiled milk, pulses, potatoes, tinned food etc are to be restricted. These foods are believed to be increase the feverish condition.
Alcohol, tobacco and non-vegetarian food especially red meat is strictly contraindicated in influenza.
Some scholars favor the lukewarm water enema during the first stage of influenza. This will clear of the bowels and will make bowel microorganisms free.
In case of fever, cold body packs may be useful. Try to give cold water sponging all over the body. This will reduce the temperature of the body.
Certain Ayurvedic drugs like Saptala, Tulasi, Kasmarda, Patola etc are found useful in treating the influenza.
Garlic has been used to treat various infections since years. This is considered to be one of the great remedy for influenza. Garlic is having property of antiseptic and hence to be consumed as much as possible. One should remember that if he or she is suffering from high acidity, garlic may worsen the case. This is one of the best home remedies for influenza.
Ayurveda believes fasting to be done for any type of fever including the influenza. This will make body rest from the digestion which is heavy process and then, body will pay more attention towards the immunity.
Certain Ayurvedic formulas like Jwarankush rasa, Sahadevi Churnam etc are practiced for influenza since years. These are also useful remedies for influenza.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Influenza’]