Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
The fruit Jambul is considered to be an effective home remedy for hysteria. This can be taken in this way – take three kilogram of this fruit and a handful of salt. Put them in a jug filled with water. A person suffering from this disorder should take 300gm of this fruit from that jar daily on empty stomach and take a cup of water from the jar again. The treatment can be continued for about 2 weeks.
Honey is another good home remedy for hysteria. It is advisable to take honey in the dosage of about one tbsp on daily basis.
Bottle gourd is said to be good for treating hysteria. This is used as an application in hysteria. For this, macerate the pulp of this vegetable and that is to be applied over the head of the patient.
The herb called as rauwolfia is very useful in treatment of hysteria. About one gram of the powdered root can be administered with a cup of milk in the morning and evening. The treatment should be continued till the episodes of hysteria are completely cured. This is one of the best home remedies for hysteria.
Another one of the good home remedies for hysteria is asafetida. Asafetida has the proven track record of treating the hysteria since years. Smelling this gum prevents the hysterical attacks. It can also be taken as oral supplement. The daily dosage could be ½ to 1 gm. You can also make an emulsion by taking 2gm of the gum with 120 ml of water. Use this mixture as enema in hysterical patient especially when the sufferer refuses taking asafetida orally.
Taking three meals a day of juicy fruits like grapes, grapefruit, apples and pineapples will be beneficial for treating hysteria.
The fruit diet can be followed by milk diet for about a month. This milk diet will help to build better blood and also helps nourishing the nerves. After milk diet, one can go for seeds, nuts, vegetables and grains. These steps are useful as home remedy for hysteria.
One should avoid tea, coffee, white flour, white sugar, tobacco etc. These stimulate the brain and so disturb the brain. Hysteria needs the calming of the brain rather than stimulation.
Latest research has shown Yoga posture as one of the best home remedies for hysteria. Certain postures like Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Yogamudras, Matsyasana and Shavasana are useful treating hysterical attack.
Certain Ayurvedic massage with specific herbal oil is beneficial for treating hysteria. This is to be done regularly by professionals.
Lettuce is another good homemade remedy for treating hysteria. This is carrying great value in treatment for this disease. For this, one can take a cup of fresh lettuce juice and add 1 tsp of Indian gooseberry. Give this juice to the patient suffering from hysteria daily for about a month in the morning. This gives good results if taken regularly. This is one of the best home remedies for hysteria.
Mental counseling is equally important for the patient suffering from hysteria. A person should never be ignored and she is to be interpreted in a positive attitude.
Meditation plays great role in treating the hysteria in almost all cases. Nowadays, it is the first step practiced to treat the hysteria. A person is advised to do meditation in a room or open space where there is peace.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Hysteria’]