Natural Cures for Hangover

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Just before going to bed, one can take multivitamin tablet and drink as much water as possible. Instead of water, electrolyte will be the best to be drunk. Generally hangover is caused by dehydration and lack of vitamins and minerals.
Coffee without the bubbles helps to relieve the nausea. You can make coffee by using the honey instead of sugar. Fructose is absorb quicker as compare to sucrose, which is there in normal sugar. This is one of the good home remedies for hangover.
Another good home remedy for hangover is ginseng. It is proven that since caffeine is diuretic like alcohol, it makes the dehydration worse. This herbs really works on this.
The aspirin attends to the headache. However, has nothing to do with hangover but can surely take you out of hammering headache. Don’t take this before you go to the bed.
When you drink, the things you lose are potassium and fructose. Bananas are best to replace them. Bananas are natural source as antacids. This will also help in nausea. Bananas are also high in magnesium, so that they can help relaxing those pounding blood vessels which are responsible of headache.
Try this simple remedy for hangover, banana, peanut butter and honey on the whole wheat bread. This is very beneficial for treating hangover. This is one of the best home remedies for hangover.
Vitamin C is also said to be good home remedy for hangover. For this, one can take orange juice, tomatoes, or 600 gm of Vitamin C tablet itself.
The hot bath is another good idea as a remedy for hangover. The heat will sweat out the toxins that are causing the hangover. You may feel quite dizzy but afterwards you shall feel fresh.
Starchy food slower downs the alcohol absorption. This could be a helpful hangover cure.
Try to avoid sugary foods or artificial sweetener drinks. The sweet taste makes it difficult to judge that how much alcohol you are consuming.
Eating some foodstuff during and after the drink will slower down the rate of alcohol getting into the blood.
Some experts say that eating six raw almonds before drinking helps preventing the toxins into the blood and hence the hangover too.
One can put a tsp of bifidus powder in a glassful of water and drink going to bed. Bifidus is considered to be friendly bacteria that can detoxify the acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a digestive byproduct of alcohol behaves like toxin for the body and also responsible for the hangover. This is one of the best home remedies for hangover.
As it does in cold, chicken soup also stands good for hangovers. Have a chicken soup after the drink.
Ginger is used for hangover cure since years, for this, one can take ginger capsules or raw ginger. You can also take ginger tea. This will help you getting out of hangover soon.
Two to six tsp of honey every 15 minutes upon awaking, depending upon the severity of hangover will work as home remedy for hangover. The potassium in the honey will help you in counteracting the bad effects of the alcohol. This will also decrease the craving of a person towards the alcohol.
The lime is time tested and trusted remedy for hangover. For this, as soon as you wake up in the morning; take 2 tsp of fresh lime juice with 1 tsp of sugar in 8 ounces of plain water. Sip it slowly. This will help in stabilizing the blood sugar, which is disturbed after drinking. This is one of the useful home remedies for hangover.
The herb peppermint is considered to be one of the best cure for hangover. You can take peppermint either by chewing its leaves or can take in tea. This will relax your bowels. Peppermint is best carminative, having property to remove accumulated gas from the intestines and stomach. To make a tea; take one cup of boiling water and add 1-2 tsp of herbs. Cover and steep for 15 minutes then strain. Drink a cup or two as soon as you can.
You can take raw persimmon; this will cure your headache due to hangover.
Raw cabbage is another good cure for hangover. This will dissipate the headache due to hangover.
The lost nutrients can be replaced by sauerkraut juice with some tomato juice in combination. This will also help you in vomiting and headache.
The milk thistle or silymarin is one of the best remedy for hangover. This also protects the liver and helps to remove toxins from the blood. For this, you can go for 70 mg capsules available in the market.
Thyme is also said to be good as home remedy for hangover. You can make a tea by lightly crushing 5 leaves of thyme. Place them in a cup and fill this with water. Keep it on fire on simmer leaving for 5 minutes. Remove the leaves and then drink the residual.
Pull your hairs in clumps so that your scalp starts getting stimulation. This will help you in reducing the headache.
Some homoeopathic remedy like Nux vomica will help you relieving has, bloating and discomfort in your stomach. Ask your doctor for the dosage and regimen.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Hangover’]