Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
The research has made on the treatment of flatulence with holy basil. The formula worked very well in treating the flatulence and digestive disorders. For this, one should take 10 gm of basil juice and then add 10 gm of dry ginger with 20 gm of jiggery. They are to be mixed well to form a small tablets/pills or capsules. This tablet is taken with little water thrice a day. During this treatment one has to do fasting or has to take very little and light diet. The treatment should be continued for minimum 3-4 days. This is one of the good home remedies for flatulence.
Mix ½ tsp of dry ginger powder along with a pinch of asafetida. Add little rock salt to it and mix them up in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Drink it at once. Repeat procedure next day. This remedy should be continued for 3-4 days. It is an effective home remedy for flatulance.
Simply chewing some fresh ginger slices that are soaked in lemon juice after meals will be sufficient to cure flatulence.
Make a powder of pepper about one tsp and add one tsp of dry ginger. Mix them well and then, mix 1 tsp of green cardamom seeds. The whole mixture is to be taken with water and to be taken after one hour of meals. This is effective home remedy for flatulance.
One drop of dill oil mixed up with one tsp of honey and taken soon after having meals has shown good results on flatulence.
One can mix a cup of warm water and 2 tsp of brandy. Take this combination just before going to bed. This is one of the best home remedies for flatulence.
Drink enough water. This will help you in curing flatulence.
Eat properly. Chew properly. Chew slowly and eat slowly. Follow this routine for complete and easy digestion.
Have perfect meal timings. Meals without timing surely produce gas as per Ayurvedic science.
Check your food. Avoid stale food or rotten food. You should also avoid junk food and packaged food. These foods are containing preservatives which are trigger factor for flatulence.
Try to avoid the gaseous food items such as cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, brans, onions, beans etc.
Restrict cold drinks including cold water. Go for normal water or lukewarm water as the best for drinking.
One research says that chewing peppermint serves the duty of home remedy for flatulence. Menthol is breakthrough to the flatulence problems.
Try to include vegetable soup in your daily diet. These soups increase the digestion power and also eliminate any conditions, which are supposed to produce the flatulence.
Latest research has shown that certain yoga postures like ‘Pavanamuktasana’ has indeed beneficial effect on flatulence.
Never sleep immediately after meals. You should keep at least 3hr. gap between your meals and bed time.
Try to restrict the food items that contains very strong odor. This may include garlic, radish, onions etc. Some people produce gas after eating eggs. Find out the reason and stop eating that.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Flatulance’]