Natural Cures for Sunburn

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Sunburn is caused to overexposure to the ultra violet rays of the sun resulting in an inflammation of the skin.
It could be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, blisters, peeling of the skin and sensitivity to light.
Drink lot of fluids.
Minimize your exposure to sunlight.
Coconut oil and sandalwood oil have cooling properties and therefore are effective on burnt skin.
A little fresh cream can be applied on the sunburned skin.
Mix two teaspoon tomato juice and four tablespoon buttermilk and apply on the face. Leave for 1/2 hour, and wash off. It is an effective home remedy for sunburn.
Mix olive oil with some vinegar and apply before bath.
Make a paste of barley, turmeric and yogurt in equal proportions. Apply it over the area of sunburns for sunburn relief. A thin paste of sandalwood applied to the sunburn area is beneficial.
Apply slices of onion on forehead, as this has a cooling effect.
Before and after showering apply coconut or neem oil on your body. It is also very usefyl remedy for sunburn.
Avoid hot pungent and spicy foods.
Apply pure aloe vera gel on the sunburned site.
Cool baths are an alternative to compresses especially for larger areas.
Have little juice of raw mango along with salt and sugar. Have this twice or thrice a day.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Sunburn’]