Natural Cures for Snoring

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Generally snoring is related to over weight. Maintaining your body weight to normal one helps to reduce or stop snoring.

Snoring is commonly caused due to nasal congestion and smoking is much responsible to cause nasal congestion. Hence, try to avoid smoking and even secondary smoking, i.e. try to avoid the other person smoking near by you.

Soak 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves in a cup of boiling water, drain and drink to avoid snoring. This is one of the best home remedies for snoring.

Alcohol relaxes the muscles and soft tissues of the throat, which tends to develop snoring. So try to stop or limit the intake of alcohol.

Consumption of food before going to bed also is responsible to relax muscles and soft tissues of the throat and gives rise to snoring.

When you sleep on your back, it may happen that your throat flesh relaxes and may disturb your air passage and hence causing snoring. So try to sleep on your side.

Try to sleep without taking pillow under your head. Because whenever you sleep on pillow, your neck is bending and this may cause interruption in your airway. This is one of the useful home remedies for snoring.

Rather than keeping pillow, you may go for elevation of your bed by placing some towels those are rolled up, under your mattress at the head side. This helps you to breathe easy and prevent snoring. This is one of the good home remedies for snoring.

Over intake of fatty foods, dairy products and soymilk products are thick and interrupt proper draining of mucous and this tends to retention of mucous in the throat itself and moreover, causing disturbance in airway passage and this result to snoring.

Anti histamines are also responsible for snoring, as it also relaxes the muscles of throat, which cause airway disturbance and thus snoring.

Try to keep your nasal passage clear and open, for this you may take help of nasal decongestants.

Tranquilizers, sleeping pills and other sedatives also relax the muscles of the throat and in turn give rise to snoring.

Aromatherapy also works to reduce the snoring. Usage of marjoram oil is very much useful in this condition.

C-PAP machine gives best result to get rid of snoring. It is bit expensive but if you can afford, it is the best.

Gargle with the sage water before going to bed helps you to reduce the snoring. Boil water, keep bunch of sage in it, when water becomes cool, and gargle before going to bed. It is an effective home remedy for snoring.

Before going to bed take a sip of olive oil. This will help you to reduce your snoring. This is one of the popular home remedies for snoring.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Snoring’]