Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Chewing a green guava will be beneficial in the treatment of Pyorrhea and is good home remedy for pyorrhea..
After brushing the teeth daily in the morning, take some mustard oil and put some salt in it. Take that mixture on the tip of the finger and then it is to be rubbed onto the gums. If rubbing is painful, take cotton instead of the finger and do it gently. Repeat this before going to bed at night
Take some leaves of the pointed gourd (Trichosanthes diocia), some ginger, black pepper and root of Ficus religiosa and some rock salt. Make a brew out of them by boiling all of these ingredients in water. Strain it through cloth once they are boiled well. Allow this to cool down and use this for gargling. This is very useful in pyorrhea treatment. This is one of the useful home remedies for pyorrhea.
The bark of Banyan tree is another good home remedy for pyorrhea. For this, take four to five pieces of its bark and put it into the vessel of water. Boil this till the essence of the bark is steeped out in the water. Boil it for about ½ hour, turn off the flame and bring it to cool down. Strain and then filter the decoction using filter cloth and then gargle it. This stops bleeding and pain in the case of pyorrhea.
Take the juice of lemon and rub it on the gums. This is extremely burning in the initial stages but then it soothes.
Take about 200 ml of castor oil with five grams of camphor and honey (100 ml). Blend all these together and then keep aside. Now take a twig of neem and then immerse it in the prepared paste and use it to rub on the teeth. This is to be done daily. This is considered to be one of the best home remedies for pyorrhea.
Fill up your mouth with sesame oil and let it remain for about ten minutes. At the same time, try to gargle the oil in the mouth. Spit it out and repeat the procedure after 24 hr. sesame oil has property to cease bleeding of the gums. This is one of the simple home remedies for pyorrhea.
Pyorrhea is generally coupled with pain in the gums. For this, take some pure ghee (butter oil) and mix some camphor in it. An application of this paste over the gums two times a day is beneficial home remedy for pyorrhea.
Take some pepper and make it powder by crushing it. Add some salt to the mixture and mix them well. Massage your gums very gently with this powder several time a day. This may be very burning to you but equally serves medicinal value to heal pyorrhea. This is one of the useful home remedies for pyorrhea.
Cut a raw guava into four almost equal pieces. Apply little salt on it and bite each guava and eat it. This has good source of Vitamin C on the teeth and will be great home remedy for pyorrhea.
Make a mixture of spinach juice along with carrot juice. Both can be taken in equal quantity to fill one soup bowl. Drink this mixture one time a day. It maintains the gingival hygiene and so helps in healing the pyorrhea. This is one of the good home remedies for pyorrhea.
Try to brush your teeth with the herbal toothpaste containing some Ayurvedic herbs those are disinfectant and having healing properties.
Ayurvedic herbs like neem, haridra, patola, babool are proven for their healing and disinfectant properties.
Spicy, junk food and canned food is to be avoided.
Cheese and other milk products are to be strictly avoided as they may stick to the teeth and gums and give room for bacteria to grow.
Smoking, chewing tobacco etc are highly contraindicated in the condition called pyorrhea.
Oral hygiene is most important factor for any mouth disease as a remedy. Brush your teeth regularly with a good herbal toothpaste and gargle with any herbal mouthwash.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Pyorrhea’]