Natural Cures for Peptic Ulcer

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

One of the most effective home remedy for peptic ulcer is having bananas. This fruit is considered to have some unidentified compound (some say Vitamin U) that fights against the peptic ulcer in a great manner. It reduces the irritation of the stomach and also ceases the over production of the acid as it lines the stomach very well. A person on initial stage of peptic ulcer should take banana-shake with little sugar and milk twice a day at least for 15-25 days.

An infusion of the leaves of wood apple is also said to be good home remedy for peptic ulcer. For this, 15 gm of leaves is taken and should be soaked overnight in 250 ml of water. In the next morning, the water is to be strained and taken. The treatment is to be continued for at least some weeks.

Cabbage is another one of the good home remedies for peptic ulcers. 250 gm of cabbage is to be boiled in ½ liter of water till it becomes half. This water is allowed to cool and then taken. Take this twice a day at least for couple of weeks. One should mix this cabbage juice with 125 ml of carrot juice to make it milder.

A tea made up from fenugreek seeds is another favorable home remedy for peptic ulcer. The seeds, when moistened with water are somewhat mucilaginous. This tea helps in the healing of the ulcers as the mucilaginous material coats up the lining of stomach and protects from secreting acid.

The leaves of ‘kalyana murangal tree’ (a variety of drumstick found in south India) is excellent and proven natural cure for ulcer. 10 gm of these leaves are to be ground into a paste form and mixed with little yogurt and taken as diet. This is one of the good home remedies for peptic ulcers.

Vegetable juices are good for treating peptic ulcer. Carrot, cucumber, beetroot is considered to be good in burning stomach.

Ayurveda believes that you can treat peptic ulcer with the help of goat’s milk. It is highly beneficial for peptic ulcer. For better results goat’s milk is taken in a raw stage, thrice a day.

Almond milk is also having favorable effects on peptic ulcer. Milk prepared from blanched almonds in a mixture grinder is useful for treating peptic ulcer. It binds the excess acid into the stomach. This is one of the popular home remedies for peptic ulcers.

Indian gooseberry is one of the powerful ‘Pitta Dosha’ pacifiers. One can take this as raw juice or can go for capsule or pill containing the Indian gooseberry extract.

One theory in Ayurveda says that one should consume fewer salads. Green leafy vegetables have tendency to increase the Pitta Dosha and that is why, may give worsen the case of peptic ulcer.

Certain Ayurvedic drugs like Bhumyamlaki, Guduchi, Shatavari, Yashtimadhu etc are considered to be good for treating peptic ulcer. You can either go for extract or can go for the formula containing these drugs.

Some of the formula are Avipattikara Churnam, Dhatrilauha, Shatavari Churnam, Haridra Khanda etc are practiced since years in treating the ulcer disease in the body. These are effective natural remedy for peptic ulcer.

Drink plenty of water. Water dilutes the acid present in the stomach and prevents the further damage.

Current researches say that certain Yoga postures are very beneficial in treating the peptic ulcers.

Try to avoid junk food and packaged food. They contain the preservatives that can make the condition very bad.

Give up all carbonated water including cold drinks. Cold drinks are never ‘cold’ for the body.

Restrict taking hot beverages like coffee, tea and other squashes which are concentrated.

Spicy and oily food is highly contraindicated in peptic ulcers.

Alcohol and smoking are proven triggers for acidity and so the ulcers especially stomach ulcers.

Fifteen grams of leaves of of wood apple should be soaked overnight in 250 ml of water. In the morning strain this water and take as a drink. The pain will be reduced when this treatment is continued for a some weeks. This is one of the best home remedies for peptic ulcers.

Lemon, citrus foods like oranges, raw mangoes etc are contraindicated according to Ayurveda.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Peptic Ulcer’]