Natural Cures for Nausea

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

One of the good home remedies for nausea is consuming one to two tbsp of any non-carbonated syrup. This brings relief to the digestive system and so helps in nausea. Generally these syrups are having carbohydrates that help cooling down the stomach.

Another one of the good good home remedies for nausea is ginger and its root. You can either go for two capsules of ginger or can go for the tea containing enough ginger in it. The ginger has capacity to increase the digestive fire according to Ayurveda. It also blocks up unnecessary secretion in the stomach that irritate the esophagus producing nausea.

Simple remedy that has been used since years is. don’t let the vomitus inside your stomach. You can put your washed fingers deep into the mouth and vomit the stomach content once.

Put some cloves into your mouth. You can also put cinnamon or cardamom instead of cloves. These spices serve the duty of anti-nausea drugs.

Put a little piece of lemon with little rock salt added to it. This will cease your feeling of nausea. This is one of the simple home remedies for nausea.

Certain drugs like slippery elm, red raspberry etc also help reducing the nausea. These are natural remedies for nausea.

Another one of the good home remedies for nausea is apple cider vinegar. This is extremely useful especially for the pregnant lady. One can take 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp of honey. Dilute this mixture in normal water and have it before you go to bed.

Wheatgerm is also favorable home remedy for nausea. For this, one can go for few tsp of wheatgerm mixed with milk hourly. This will help you in nausea and also in morning sickness.

Treating nausea with rice water is time tested and trusted natural cure for nausea. One can boil ½ cup of rice in 1 to 1 ½ cup of water. When the rice is cooked, remove them and drink the residual water. This ceases the nausea. This is also one of the best home remedies for nausea.

Cumin seeds are also considered to be best home remedy for nausea. Consume half tsp of grounded cumin seeds. This will help you to get rid of nausea.

Try to eat less, full stomach produces nausea in many cases.

Consume 1/2 tsp grounded cumin seed to get relief from nausea. This is one of the well liked home remedies for nausea.

Don’t sleep immediately after having meals.

Sleep on right side. This will prevent the stomach content coming into mouth.

Avoid oily food, too much spicy food, heavy and indigestible food. These all produce nausea in an individual.

Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp honey and then mix it in cold water and drink before going to bed. This is one of the well liked home remedies for nausea.

Drink plain water. Carbonated water, cold drinks, soft drinks, coffee, tea etc are best to be avoided. These beverages irritate the bowel and stomach in some individuals.

Some consider acupressure and Yoga produce very beneficiary effects on nausea.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Nausea’]