Natural Cures for Measles

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Take rest. This is first and foremost for measles. Take enough rest and retire from your job till you become fully fit.

Fresh orange juice is good in measles. Take the juice twice a day till you are under attack of measles. This is one of the well liked home remedies for measles.

Lemonade plays an important role in treating measles. You can either consume as available, or you can add some spices as per your taste. This is one of the simple home remedies for measles.

Barley water is another good home remedy for measles. Take this water twice or thrice a day.

Powdered licorice is considered to be good remedy for measles. The child is to be given ½ tsp of powdered licorice mixed with the same quantity of honey. This gives relief up to major extent in treating measles. This is one of the good home remedies for measles.

Another great home remedy for measles is usage of turmeric. Take about ½ tsp of turmeric powdered mixed with equal quantity of honey and the juice of few bitter gourd leaves. Take this solution at a time once a day for minimum 20 days. This will help you curing measles.

The seeds of eggplant are said to be good for treating measles. Take ½ to 1 gm of these seeds daily for at least three days. This will develop the immunity against the measles attack. This is one of the simple home remedies for measles.

Well balanced diet is very much required. Avoid spicy, junk, packaged food. Try to include more healthy diet containing minerals, vitamins and protein.

Be in highly ventilated room. The closet increases the chance to worsen the case of measles. Be in airy room.

Try to avoid self-medication. This may turn to be very hazardous and irreversible situation.

Be on light diet. Avoid heavy food and milk products like cheese. Corn flakes and rice flakes are considered to be light diet.

Try to avoid direct sunlight on measles especially when it is hot sunny day. Sunrays may irritate the measles.

A powder of identical parts of tamarind seeds and turmeric may be given in doses of 350 to 400 mg thrice in a day for measles cure. This is one of the best home remedies for measles..

Turmeric is valuable in measles cure. Mix some honey in about ½ tsp of turmeric powder and the juice of bitter gourd leaves. Give this mixture to the measles patient. This is one of the good home remedies for measles..

Get proper vaccination done for the measles. Prevention is better then cures.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Measles’]