Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
One of the good home remedies for coronary heart disease is usage of grapes. For this, you can either go for the grape juice or can have raw.
Fresh apples are considered to be good for heart. Consume loads of fresh apples.
Honey is another good home remedy for heart disease. It is said to aid a tone in the heart and hence, can restore the normal circulation of the blood in the body.
Take one tsp of raw onion juice and consume on empty stomach early in the morning. It is very beneficial to control the level of blood cholesterol. This is one of the good home remedies for coronary heart disease.
One should restrict the non-vegetarian diet especially red meat.
The diet should be low in calories and sodium. It should be high quality natural and organic food. Whole grains, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables will be sufficient enough for this.
Try to give up refined flour items, sweets, canned foods, syrups, squashes, high fat food etc.
Egg yolk should be avoided as it contains high level of cholesterols.
The usage of olive oil is considered as valuable food in the coronary heart disease. The olive oil is having abandon quantity of mono-unsaturated fat which lowers down the bad LDL cholesterol and shoots up the good i.e. HDL cholesterols. It also carries anti-oxidant properties. This is one of the good home remedies for coronary heart disease
Research reveals that usage of garlic will be beneficial in coronary heart disease. Top of this, regular usage of the garlic can even reverse the process of damage to tiny arteries in the heart. This is been proved many times and tested on human beings. For this one can go for raw garlic pods in daily routine. One has to keep in mind that usage of garlic will worsen the case of acidity so a person with acidity should avoid eating raw garlic.
Patients with coronary artery disease should include the food that is rich in vitamin E. This vitamin promotes the heart function by improving the oxygen in the blood. It helps making the oxygen available in the blood. For this, one should take whole meal products, green vegetables especially outer leaves of the cabbage are having good source of Vitamin E.
Whole grains are good to have because they also contain Vitamin B complex. This complex is important for heart to function and also good for various circulatory disorders.
Consumption of Vitamin C is also considered to be essential food for those who have coronary heart disease. Vitamin C is considered to be protective for spontaneous breaches in tiny capillary walls that can lead to heart attack. Almost all the citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C.
Light exercises are good for coronary heart patient. This may include light walking, swimming, gardening and slow cycling. During all the exercises, be sure of getting the fresh air.
Some naturopaths suggest usage of ice bag on the spinal area between 2 nd and 10 th thoracic vertebrae for ½ hour. You can repeat this procedure three times in a day. A hot compress should be applied to the left side of the neck for ½ hour every alternate day. Massage the abdomen and upper back muscles. This kind of exercises work for the patient having coronary heart disease. This is one of the useful home remedies for coronary heart disease.
Hot foot and hand baths are beneficial for relieving the pain in the heart.
The herb called Alfalfa is taken as juice in the disease called coronary heart disease. This is considered to be good for arteries and capillaries of the heart. For this, one has to take leaves of the herbs and make juice out of them. Since the juice is strong, it can be mixed with carrot juice initially. The whole formula can be taken twice a day. This is one of the best home remedies for coronary heart disease.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Coronary Heart Disease’]