Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Rice is considered to be very good for colitis. The rice has low fibre content and hence it is said to be soothing to colons. For this, one has to make thick gruel of rice mixed with a glassful of buttermilk. Add ripe banana then have it two time a day. This gives very nutritious and balanced remedy for the disease colitis. This is one of the effective home remedies for colitis.
One can have the juice of cabbage or can eat cabbage as well. This lowers the inflammation of the colon. It is one of the common home remedies for colitis.
You can take fish oil. This is been practically used by so many patients suffering from the colitis.
Pumpkin seeds help calming down the colons. Banana can also be taken for soothing the intestines. It is also one of the good home remedies for colitis.
Try to avoid meat as it may disturb the function of the colons worsening the case.
Another remedy includes psyllium and water. This works as cleaner to the colons and also alleviates the constipation.
Take vitamin A, E, K and B complex to help in the healing of colons.
Try to give up junk food, food made up with refined flour such as breads, pizzas etc.
Try to give up alcohol and smoking. This may worsen your case.
A teaspoon of fresh leaf juice of drumsticks, mixed with an identical amount of honey and a glass of tender coconut water, is given two or thrice daily as a herbal medicine for the treatment of this disease. This is one of the useful home remedies for colitis.
Spicy and oily food is strictly to be avoided in any circumstances.
Chillies will irritate the bowels and hence are to be avoided.
Take Bromelain. You can also go for pineapple juice or carrot juice.
This may sound awesome, but equally true that if you rub cayenne extract over your body especially abdomen, this will improve your circulation and bowel movements. This will heal your colons.
Papaya with peppermint or garlic is considered to be useful in treating colitis. This will not only heal the colons but will also improve the digestion capacity. This is one of the useful home remedies for colitis.
Drumsticks alleviate the colitis. For this, one can take 1 tsp of fresh drumstick juice mixed with an equal quantity of the honey with a glassful of tender coconut water. This mixture can be taken twice or thrice in a day. It is commonly used natural remedy for colitis.
Ripe bananas are said to be beneficial in the disease colitis. This works wonderfully especially in ulcerative colitis. This is bland, smooth and easily digestible. This works as slight laxative and is also one of the good home remedies for colitis.
The best among all is buttermilk. It is the residual milk left after the fat has been removed from curd or yoghurt. The procedure requires chumming. This is one of the best home remedies for colitis.
The person should go for protein rich food. This will help the muscular walls and ligaments surrounding colon to be healthy. If they are not, then the waste products will start remaining inside the colon ultimately worsening the case.
Calcium relieves the spasms in the intestines which can occur in some forms of the colitis.
One can give up the seasoned foods, highly salted food, coffee and other stimulating foods and drinks to give the colon rest and heal.
Certain yoga postures are considered to be good for treating the colitis. The studies on the patient find that certain posture help intestines to perform well.
Give up the food which is heavy to digest. All the milk products like cheese, chocolates are harmful in these conditions.
Always use the water which is boiled and then cooled. The purpose is to kill the germs present in the water.
Never go for excessive sour tasted food items.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Colitis’]