Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
Try to use the toothpaste or mouthwash, which is less irritant to your mouth. These products having no sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) will be preferred.
Keep the food-note. For certain people, certain foods are irritating. List them all and try to avoid them as much as possible.
Take two tablespoons of fresh plum juice and rinse mouth with it for some minutes. This is also one of the useful home remedies for canker sores.
Make sure that you are supplied by enough vitamins. Canker sores may restrict your eating and hence the nutrition to your body would be reduced.
Try to give up hard foods, crunchy foods like potato chips etc.
Give up acidic drink like tomato juices, alcoholic beverages and citrus fruit juices.
Boil 1 tsp of coriander leaves in 1 cup of water. Strain when it is slightly warm. Gargle with it 3-4 times in a day with this water. This is one of the best home remedies for canker sores.
Spicy and salty foods are to be avoided by all means.
Researches say that stress can be trigger factor for canker sores. Try to avoid stress as much as possible.
Regular check up with dentist will prevent canker sores by occurring.
Try to restrict the hot beverages like coffee, tea, sweet and citrus food items.
Reduce the food made up with refined flour which will be heavy to digest.
Eliminate chewing gums, candy, sugar and lozenges.
You can have acidophilus products like yogurt, buttermilk, cheese and kefir.
Vitamin B complex will be good one for the canker sores. Taking B complex vitamin on a regular basis will be great help for canker sores. This will not only prevent sores to occur but also try to reduce the inflammation.
Latest researches say that zinc is beneficial for canker sores. Along with 220 mg of zinc, one should go for 500 mg of Vitamin C. These both will work together on the sores and try to heal them up. Take care that overdose of these vitamins may lead to body complications. This treatment should be supervised by physician.
Many herbalists favour the usage of Aloe juice to be rinse several times a day giving relief in canker sores.
To relieve the pain and trigger the healing process, one can go for antacid formulas like Mylanta, milk of magnesia or aluminium hydroxide. It is a common remedy for canker sores.
Another best remedy includes usage of baking soda. The baking soda can either be used as powder directly on the soda or can made the paste or then applied on the affected area. This is one of the effective home remedies for canker sores.
One of the old remedies for canker sore is copper sulphate. It has been in use since 19 th century. This is having an astringent property and was also known as ‘Lunar Caustic’.
Dimethyls sulfoxide is taken on cotton ball and put on the canker sores. This is also one of the good home remedies for canker sores,
The grapefruit seed extract can work wonderful. This is considered to be antimicrobial and hence is disinfectant.
Swish a cupful of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth and spit it out. Do this twice a day. This is one of the best home remedies for canker sores.
Native Americans used to use Lomatium since long. Research reveals that it could be effective against viruses also.
Take a combination of equal parts of tinctures; Echinacea, burdock, oats, lomatium, calendula and take it ½ teaspoon thrice a day. This will boost your immune system and will soothe inflamed tissues. This is one of the useful home remedies for canker sores.
Raw onion can be applied on the sores. It is very effective cure for canker sores.
Grate a fresh coconut and extract the milk out of it and gargle with it at least 3-4 times in a day. It is one of the excellent home remedies for canker sores.
Fresh papaya fruit would be good for treating canker sores.
Plum juice in the dosage of 2 tbsp as mouth rinse for couple of minutes will give relief from canker sores. This is one of the good home remedies for canker sores.
The tea bag containing of tea tree will be great aid for treating canker sores.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Canker Sores’]