Natural Cures For Burning Tongue

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

One of the best home remedies for burning tongue is chewing a sugar free gum.
For a time being, start using the baking soda for brushing the teeth rather than using toothpaste.
Give up spicy and hot food for a while. These food irritate the tongue and also burns the tongue more.
Try to include iron rich food in your daily diet.
Go for vitamin B complex. This can be taken in the form of tablet or in the form of vegetables and fruits.
Gargle the decoction made up with the Ayurvedic herbs called ‘Triphala’. This is said to be cooling for tongue.
You can take the decoction made up with Babool (an Ayurvedic herb) which will not only give you relief in burning tongue but it will also reduce the inflammation.
Putting an ice-cube will give temporary relief from burning tongue.
Keep yourself hydrated. For this, take plenty of water all the time. Dry tongue burns more.
Some suggest putting glycerine on the tongue will help you getting rid of burning tongue.
Some of the Ayurvedic therapies called ‘Kavala’ and ‘Gandusha’ help reducing the inflammation in the mouth especially inflamed and burning tongue.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Burning Tongue’]