Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginits

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

A plain tea bag soaked in the water and then cooled in the refrigerator can be applied externally to the genitals. This gives relief especially in the case of itching. It is one of the effective home remedies for bacterial vaginits.
Shallow bath or taking a normal bath may not help you. It may irritate your genital tissues. Always bath with warm water.
Always keep your bath-tub clean. The bathtubs are considered to be regular germ storage sites! Use disinfectants available in the market and keep microorganisms under controls.
Wash the affected are with one of the best formulae of Ayurveda, called Triphala decoction. It is a popular herbal and home remedy for bacterial vaginits.
One can go for putting gauze piece in the affected area containing the herb Triphala. This is also one of the good home remedies for bacterial vaginits.
Rinse your underwear and panties thoroughly. Mind it you live with your germs all the times. Try to use some disinfectant solution for cloth-washing.
Studies reveal that an eight-ounce serving of yogurt help women with recurrent bacterial vaginits. These women need fewer courses of antibiotics.
Try to give up the non-vegetarian diet in excess.
Restrict taking alcohol and junk food.
Avoid fermented food like pickles which may give rise to infections.
Always wipe up from front to back whenever you visit toilet and take care the germs are not transferred from anal region to genital areas.
Have at least four ounces of pure cranberry juice. This is said to fight against the bacterial infections. It is one of the common home remedies for bacterial vaginits.
Usage of cold compress will alleviate the swelling and itching of the vagina.
Never go for tight clothing. Try to wear cotton and somewhat loose panties which can absorb the moisture and other secretion preventing the infections.
Nowadays in market, you have antibacterial undergarments. Go for them.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Bacterial Vaginits’]