Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.
One of the proven home remedy for asthma is take 1 tablespoon of water and 2 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Take this mixture everyday and nights twice a day.
Honey is considered as one of the good and breakthrough home remedies for asthma. It is said that if a jug of honey under the nose of the person suffering from asthma, he will be benefited with the air inhaled which is coming from the honey. This effect may last long about an hour. The honey can be taken internally also. This could be with either milk or with plain water. It liquefies the accumulated phlegm from the respiratory track and thins out the accumulated mucus. In this way, it clears the respiratory track giving easy breathe to the patient.
Turmeric is valuable in the condition like asthma. The patient is given a teaspoon of turmeric powder in the glass containing milk of approximately 200 ml. Take this medicated milk twice or thrice daily at least for a month. This works wonderful, if taken on an empty stomach. This is one of the useful home remedies for asthma.
The garlic or ‘Lasoon’ is another one of the most effective home remedies for asthma. For this, one has to take 10 cloves of garlic which are to be boiled with 30 ml of milk. This is sure-shot remedy for asthma especially if it is on primary stage. The preparation is to be taken daily once.
Steam the ginger tea with minced garlic pods in it. This should be taken in the morning and evening. It is also one of the effective and good home remedies for asthma.
Figs are said to be best for clearing the mucus from the bronchial tree and so the respiratory track. It clears of the track by expelling out the phlegm. To make this work, three or four dry figs are to be kept in lukewarm water over the night. Early in the morning with empty stomach, this whole solution along with the water is to be taken. The treatment is to be continued at least for two months. This is an excellent home remedy for asthma
The wonder drug called Aamla or Indian gooseberry or Amlaki works equally powerful for the condition like asthma. Five grams of the Indian gooseberry is mixed with one tablespoon of honey. This solution works as tonic for the lungs and expectorant for the respiratory track. The solution is taken every morning. In the condition when the fresh Indian gooseberry fruit is not available, one can go for the powdered fruit. This is one of the well like home remedies for asthma.
The rye or mustard seeds are beneficial for the asthma. This works wonderfully during the asthmatic attack. Take the mustard oil with little camphor and massage vigorously on the chest. Ayurveda believes that this will loosen up the accumulated phlegm and hence, will make the breathing easy. When the attack is over, one can inhale the steam from boiling water mixed with cumin and mustard seeds. This will dilate the breathing passage.
The linseed is another good home remedy for the asthma. The decoction made out of the linseed is considered to be one of the best remedies available in the kitchen. This is said to prevent the attacks of asthma from recurrence. For this, one can make a poultice filled up with linseed and can apply it externally on the lungs (chest). This also gives soothing effect by liquefying the accumulated phlegm.
The person should take restricted amount of diet which is containing high carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The person with asthma should also give up the acid-forming foods and should increase the alkaline foods consisting of fresh fruits, germinated grams and green vegetables.
Give up some of the food which has natural tendency to produce the phlegm or to accumulate the mucus such as rice, curds, buttermilk, sugar, lentils, heavy milk products like cheese, paneer etc.
The bitter gourd or Karela has been used for bronchial asthma patient since centuries. In Ayurveda, it is described as good home remedy. For this, a teaspoon of root paste, mixed with an equal amount of holy basil or tulasi or honey will be sufficient. The treatment is to be taken once every night at least for a month. This is one of the popular home remedies for asthma.
Person should go for light diet including corn flakes, rice flakes and vegetable soups.
Some of the Ayurvedic treatment is very beneficial for the asthma patient. One of the best is ‘Virechana’ meaning the purgation. Ayurveda believes that the vitiated bodily humor which is responsible for the production of asthma can be best expelled out through purgation.
The latest research and practice suggest that asthma can be super-controlled by yoga and some breathing techniques called ‘Pranayama’.
Simply taking holy basil extract or juice on the regular basis will prevent the occurrence of the disease asthma and for those who are already diseased; it will prevent the attack of asthma. This is also one of the best home remedies for asthma.
One should prevent exposure towards the dust, grimes and pollens including pores in the air. For this, cover your nose with thin cotton cloth and try to avoid going to dirty and dusty places.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures For Asthma’]