Natural Cures for Alcoholism

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Apples are said to be the best among all. Apples probably reduce the craving for alcohol if taken on regular intervals. This also helps in removing of the toxins from the body.
Grapes contain the purest form of the original alcohol. The person who wants to leave with alcohol may have a grape-meal for every 4-5 hours for at least a month. Then person can shift on to normal diet.
The bitter gourd is useful. The juice of Bitter guard leaves are said to be clearing toxins from the blood. About three teaspoons of juice mixed with glass of buttermilk is believed to help in alcoholism. This remedy also helps healing the damaged liver due to alcohol.
The celery is effective in alcoholism. The juice produced from celery has shown sobering effect on the people suffering from alcoholism. It is instructed to take it daily with plain water at least for a month to produce the desired effects.
The dates are considered as one of the most beneficial and safe home remedies except for the diabetic patients. Rubbed dates in the water should be taken by the person suffering from alcoholism.
As per one practical approach, juices reduce the urge to consume alcohol.
Start doing physical exercises this will help you to have concentration on your physique rather than drinking.
Try some meditation and yoga therapy to get rid of addiction.
Give up smoking first if at all you are smoker as the smoking is said to increase the urge for alcohol.
The banana supplies the enough potassium which is been drained from your body when you abuse yourself with alcohol.
The ginger root has been used to treat nausea and vomiting. This also works in alcoholism. You can have 10-12 slices of fresh ginger root boiled with plain 4 cups of water for about 10 minutes. Have this decoction and you will feel fresh coming out of ‘hangover’.
The honey and lemon is classic combination for addiction of alcohol. This can be taken in combination with lukewarm water. Beware of taking the honey if you are diabetic.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Alcoholism’]