Young’s syndrome

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Young’s syndrome which is also known as Azoospermia sinopulmonary infections, Sinusitis-infertility syndrome and Barry-Perkins-Young syndrome is a rare condition that encompasses a combination of syndromes such as bronchiectasis, rhinosinusitis and reduced fertility. [1][2][3] In individuals with this syndrome, the functioning of the lungs is usually normal but the mucus is abnormally viscous. The reduced fertility (azoospermia) is due to functional obstruction of sperm transport down the genital tract at the epididymis where the sperms are found in viscous, lipid-rich fluid. [3][4] The syndrome was named after Young, the urologist who first made observations of the clinical signs of the syndrome.[5] There have been several studies undertaken suggesting that contact with mercury might cause the syndrome. [6] A variant of Young’s syndrome has been observed in an individual, showing slightly different signs and symptoms. [7]

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